We have three nodes Hyperscale appliance we are going to change power outlet so what are proper procedures to shutdown all nodes and restart again.
We have three nodes Hyperscale appliance we are going to change power outlet so what are proper procedures to shutdown all nodes and restart again.
Please see the following link on Stopping and Starting Hyperscale X clusters: https://documentation.commvault.com/11.24/expert/127770_stopping_and_starting_hyperscale_x_appliance_cluster.html
And the following for Hyperscale 1.5: https://documentation.commvault.com/11.24/expert/98631_stopping_and_starting_all_nodes.html
Best Regards,
We do not have Commserver VM hosting on hyperscale nodes, Commserver is separate physical server.
second thing which is this URL “https://<Control Host Name>/ovirt-engine”
what is control host name, is this hyperscale pool name or what is
Using RDP, shutdown the Windows Operating System on the VM hosting the CommServe.
Set the hosted engine in the maintenance mode as follows:
Using the Virtualization Manager:
Access the Virtualization Manager by typing the following URL in a Web Browser:
https://<Control Host Name>/ovirt-engine
For example: http://mycontrolhost.mydomian.com/ovirt-engine
Click Administration Portal.
Type the login credentials to access the Virtualization Manager.
Enter your E-mail address. We'll send you an e-mail with instructions to reset your password.