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Simcallwrapper with networkgateway

  • October 31, 2024
  • 2 replies


Good Day everyone,

we’re operating a remote location with a Windows-Server as a network-Gateway between Clients that have no connectivity to CS and Commserver. (Not the OVA)

We proudly got our first unix SAPHana-Client operating in that remotelocation.

We installed a lot of Windows-Clients so far in that remotelocation, which is why we we’re sure that our way would work with linux as well:

- We installed the Client with the silent_setup which is available in the linux-package

- After that we tried the following SIMcallwrapper: 

/opt/commvault/Base/SIMCallWrapper -optype 1000 -cshost commserveFQDN -clienthostname clientFQDN -Connectioninfo gatewayFQDN:8403 -user 'clientregister' -password 'password' -ClientGroup 'group that is configured to use proxy'


however this does not work at all and we’re unfortunately unsure why:

Successfully executed given operation.…
SimCallWrapper failed. Please check SimCallWrapper.log under Simpana Log Files. Error [67109051]

Simcall-Log Files state:
31564 7b4c 10/31 17:48:06 ### Start to read input file [/opt/commvault/Base/PreImageModeFile.xml]
31564 7b4c 10/31 17:48:07 ### Successfully got XML info from [/opt/commvault/Base/PreImageModeFile.xml]
31564 7b4c 10/31 17:48:07 ### Successfully encrypted user password. Updating XML now
31564 7b4c 10/31 17:48:07 ### Successfully updated XML with optional client setup info
31564 7b4c 10/31 17:48:07 ### UpdateFirewallInfo is skipped
31564 7b4c 10/31 17:48:07 ### No name change is needed.
31564 7b4c 10/31 17:48:07 ### Successfully updated firewall info
31564 7b4c 10/31 17:48:07 ### Successfully built XML data
31564 7b4c 10/31 17:48:07 ### Start to register client
31564 7b4c 10/31 17:48:07 ### Reloaded FW related registry and config files
31564 7b4c 10/31 17:48:07 ### Send request with ID [bc4c5bbc-cfa6-14be-218b-893e32af2830] via appMgrSvc
31564 7b4c 10/31 17:52:14 ### XML Response :<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><CVInstallManager_ClientSetup><SimError ErrorCode="67109051" ErrorString="Backup infrastructure is currently unavailable. Please try later. If problem persists, contact your administrator." errorLevel="2"/></CVInstallManager_ClientSetup>
31564 7b4c 10/31 17:52:14 ### Completed
31564 7b4c 10/31 17:52:14 ### Start to read input file [/var/log/commvault/Log_Files/AutoRegisterOutput.xml]
31564 7b4c 10/31 17:52:14 ### Successfully got response info from [/var/log/commvault/Log_Files/AutoRegisterOutput.xml]
31564 7b4c 10/31 17:52:14 ### SIM server returned error code [67109051]
31564 7b4c 10/31 17:52:14 ### UpdateFirewallInfo is skipped
31564 7b4c 10/31 17:52:14 ### No name change is needed.
31564 7b4c 10/31 17:52:14 ### Firewall info files are reverted back
31564 7b4c 10/31 17:52:14 ### ActivateClientDetails is not retrieved from server.
31564 7b4c 10/31 17:52:14 ###
31564 7b4c 10/31 17:52:14 ### SimCallWrapper failed. Error [67109051]

I saw that Infrastructure unavailable before but unsure what was the cause back then.
The Proxy is cvpingable. 


May there be someone to help us please?

2 replies

Damian Andre
  • Vaulter
  • 1287 replies
  • November 8, 2024

Try open the CVInstallManager log on the CommServe would be my next step here to see if there is more clues.

However, 90% of the issues I see logged in the internal KB here suggest a network connectivity error. Try check cvfwd.log on both the client and the network gateway to spot any comms issues.

Onno van den Berg
Commvault Certified Expert
  • Commvault Certified Expert
  • 1227 replies
  • November 10, 2024

You miss the clientName flag which is required. I would also recommend using the authorization code options instead of username password. 


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