Hi All,
we are looking for an solution to backup an 7TB big SQL Server and restore the hole instance in 2h this is the customer wish.
I think the normal streaming backup is not working for this part. Maybe when the mediaagent has an all flash maglib behind and the network is 50GB and the sql server vm is also running on an nvme enviroment.
So we are thinking what can we do to backup the DBs and get an quick restore.
One Point ist the intelli snap for nutanix. Our idear is to run ever 4h an intellisnap for nutanix backup and copy it out to cv. Also we would like to install an sql cv agent inside of the vm run daily full + daily diff + every 15 minuts trans logs but no my question regarding the way back.
Lets say we have now 10:00 may last vm snap was at 06:00 and my logs are running every 15 min no i do an revert of the snap to 06:00 is it possible to restore over the commvault agent only the logs to 10:00 ? We want to prevent that the agent is restoreing the hole stuff from full + diff + trans we want to minimze the restore time with this szenario. Is it working ? can i restore sql logs only ?
do you have other idears