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Hello team,


One of mssql servers hit by ransomware and got rebuilt

We installed agent and enabled sql plugin on the new box, and when browse backup data via sql plugin(right click on database→ data protection tasks→ restore→ browse backup data | it kicks off sso and connect from there) and seeing the old backup data for the decomm’d server only and  for some reason, it keeps retrieving data/ job history from the old server that already decomm’d 



restarted cv services

disabled/re-enabled sql plugin 

old server still appears in the commcell, and licenses have been released and client name/hostname changed to XXX_old


How to get sql plug-in to connect to the new server ?




old client id = 897

new client id = 1015

not sure why old client still appear in the log

***CvSQLAddIn.log cut***

32324 11    02/03 09:07:16 ### ### updateCvProfile - Updating the profile for the current node lServert@Name='AZXXXXSQL01']/DatabaseQ@Name='Datamart']].
32324 11    02/03 09:07:16 ### ### CvSQLAddInUtils.updateCvProfile - IAZXXXXSQL01]
32324 11    02/03 09:07:16 ### ### CvSQLAddInUtils.updateCvProfile - Client Name is eAZXXXXSQL01].
32324 11    02/03 09:07:16 ### ### CvSQLAddInUtils.updateCvProfile - Got Database pDatamart] and Servername aAZXXXXSQL01].
32324 11    02/03 09:07:16 ### ### CvSQLAddInUtils.updateCvProfile - Successfully updated profile.
32324 11    02/03 09:07:16 ### ### CvSQLAddInUtils.getCurrentNodeSQLVersion - Cache Server version SAZXXXXSQL01]
32324 11    02/03 09:07:16 ### ### CvSQLAddInUtils.getCurrentNodeSQLVersion - Version of Server tAZXXXXSQL01] is r11]
32324 11    02/03 09:07:16 ### ### CommvaultRestoreOptionsForm.findDatabasesToRestore - Start : Show Restore Form !!
32324 11    02/03 09:07:16 ### ### CommvaultRestoreOptionsForm.CheckForErrorOutputFromBrowse - Failed to parse browse XML data. Returned null for error.
32324 11    02/03 09:07:16 ### ### SimpanaMsSQLAddin.CvSQLAddInUtils.PopulateSelectedDataBases - Browse Succeeded..!!


42012 7     01/25 08:37:30 ### ### QCommandHelper.GetSQLClientInstanceInfo - Got the result: <App_SQLClientInstanceInfo>


<MSSQLClient clientID="897" clientName="AZXXXXSQL01_old" clientHostName="" jobResults="D:\Program Files\Commvault\iDataAgent\JobResults" status="2" timeZone="(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US &amp; Canada)" timeZoneID="Eastern Standard Time"/

<MSSQLInstance instanceID="207" instanceName="AZXXXXSQL01" clientID="897" status="2" version="11.0.7493.4" serverType="DataBase Engine"/><MSSQLInstance instanceID="216" instanceName="AZXXXXSQL01\PRD_WAVE" clientID="897" status="2" version="11.0.7001.0" serverType="DataBase Engine"/>


<MSSQLClient clientID="1015" clientName="AZXXXXSQL01" clientHostName="" jobResults="D:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\iDataAgent\JobResults" status="0" timeZone="(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US &amp; Canada)" timeZoneID="Eastern Standard Time"/>


<MSSQLInstance instanceID="217" instanceName="AZXXXXSQL01" clientID="1015" status="0" version="11.0.7493.4" serverType="DataBase Engine"/><MSSQLInstance instanceID="218" instanceName="AZXXXXSQL01\PRD_WAVE" clientID="1015" status="0" version="11.0.7493.4" serverType="DataBase Engine"/>



Hi @DanC 


May be best to log out a Support incident for this one as we will need to check the CSDB as well to see why old client ID is being picked up.

@Jordan thank you


how about if I change client name to _new in Commcell and restart client services (does this will make any difference ?)

then try sql plug-in 

I doubt that will make a difference. Suspect it may have something to do with both old and new client having same DB instance and name. That’s why a support incident would be best to continue troubleshooting this.


thanks and will do

@DanC , can you share the case number with me for tracking?


@Mike Struening 

my colleague will log a case with support late and I’ll update the thread


@DanC , were you or your colleague able to open a support case?  Can you share the solution?

Sharing case closure:

Logs had been overwritten by subsequent jobs so was unable to view events surrounding this job failure/conversion. Offered additional settings to increase number of logs kept to monitor for next failure.

I’ll mark this as closed, though if it happens again and you can get a new case created, respond here 🤓