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i have a Grafana monitoring setup i would like to expand with some Commvault stats.

It’s possible to query SQL databases, like the Commvault DB.

Which query should i use to become the SLA % you see in the dashboard of the Commandcenter?

Good afternoon.  There are a number of considerations that go into the SLA percentages, things included, excluded, etc.   I will reach out to my resources and see if it is possible to pull that information from the CommServe database and update this thread once i have a response.


Is Grafana able to pull the data and do some math on the results?

USE CommServ
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[RptSLAHistory]
WHERE days=-1 AND FullJobsOnly=0 ORDER BY date DESC

SLA % = nClientsMet / (nClientsMet + nClientsMissed) * 100


@Scott Moseman  Thanks for bailing me out on this one 😀

I had this exact request in my notes for my one my customers. 😎

