I created Storage Pool form two Media Agents with DAS storage, DataServer-IP transport is used to access partner MA storage. DDB has 2 partitions, one per server.
I did DB restore tests, using 2 streams and got results around 900 GB/h per stream.
But if I create Storage pool using only one MA restores are faster, around 1250 GB/h per stream.
Do you have any ideas, why DataServer-IP slows down restore process? In my understanding it should be opposite.
Storage Pool of two media agents with DAS storage is slower than each MA separately

Best answer by Damian Andre
I’d say this is expected.
You data transfer is going from MA1 → MA2 → Client with Dataserver-IP (assuming MA2 is the chosen Media Agent for the restore) - there is an extra hop vs direct access to the storage.
Deduplication databases are irrelevant for restore (they are only used for backup and data aging).
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