Hi All.
I configured file archiving with the required configuration. Windows 2016 Server with local disk where all the files reside.
Archiving and stubbing is working as expected. I am also able to restore the file as data out of place to the same or different server.
However when trying to recall the file by double clicking the Explorer Windows hangs up. The recall doesn't progress. The Persistent Recovery job start but there is no progress.
I have added the below Additional Settings on the client which is also the Media Server.
The server has Symantec Endpoint Protection 14.x installed. The Security team has confirmed that all the settings contained in "Symantec Endpoint Security v14xAV Settings for Windows File Archiver" is configured. I have requested to have the AV temporarily disabled to test but are yet to receive feedback.
I have restarted the services and the server but this does not improve things at all.
Below is an extract of the ClMgrs log file.
4600 14e8 01/26 14:43:37 ### CFSDMAPI::RecallFile(223) - Received recall request for C:\RestoreTesting\Information Technology\CAB 2018\Recordings\2018.01.31_13.48_01.MP3, stubType=LOCAL
4600 14e8 01/26 14:43:37 ### CFSDMAPIPrivate::RecallFile(374) - Reparse data :
Version=2, CommcellID=2, AFileGroupID=5, AFileNumber=88, AFileOffset=1302385439
VolumeGUID=0510bb0b-0000-0000-0000-501f00000000, FileGUID=60411ebcea4b1aaf41ae8300a461ad00
SubclientID=18, JobID=137, SubclientFlagsPresent=0, SubclientGUID=1D1D0CBF-52BF-4A42-A644-A50E05B1A1B8
CommcellNo=182045765, OrigMigratedFilePath=C:\RestoreTesting\Information Technology\CAB 2018\Recordings\2018.01.31_13.48_01.MP3, MigrationTime=1611566598
EvMgrcPortNo=0, MigratedFileSize=0, AgentName=
4600 1e74 01/26 14:43:37 ### AreRecallsBlockedForThisSubclient(208) - SecureRecallEnabled -0]
4600 1e74 01/26 14:43:37 ### DMRRequest::SubmitInternal(1519) - Index Mode rNEW]
4600 1e74 01/26 14:43:37 ### ShouldLookUpBeOnSpecificAFile(278) - bDaysBasedRetention 71] for appId:18 fetched from CS
4600 1e74 01/26 14:43:37 ### DMRIndexLookup::Initialize(79) - Index lookup browse retry limit=1
4600 1e74 01/26 14:43:37 ### DMRIndexLookup::Initialize(84) - Index lookup browse retry wait time=0
4600 1e74 01/26 14:43:38 ### IDXBROWSECL Sending init request D<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><databrowse_BrowseRequest opType="1" pathType="0"><session sessionId="1D1D0CBF-52BF-4A42-A644-A50E05B1A1B8"/><entity _type_="0" applicationId="33" commCellId="182045765"/><paths><pathParams optionalParameterStr="60411ebcea4b1aaf41ae8300a461ad00"/></paths><timeRange fromTime="0" toTime="0"/><options DoNotCacheFilters="0" PreferContentServer="0" adjustPerLastDRTime="0" browseFromCSDB="0" bulkOperation="0" bypassSubclientConfig="1" caseInsensitive="0" caseManagerDataCopy="0" createRestoreVectors="0" cycleBrowse="0" disableSnapOptimizer="0" doPrediction="0" downloadSystemScan="0" downloadTrueUpStubScanOutput="0" enforceSuperBrowse="0" fetchFileProperties="0" folderDelete="0" fsExtentBrowse="0" getACLs="0" hideEmptyExtents="0" imageBrowse="0" includeAgedData="0" includeAllParents="0" includeCheckSum="0" includeEndUserErasedItems="0" includeExtentCRC="0" includeMetadata="0" includeRunningJobs="0" includeSoftCommittedJobs="0" includeVersions="0" instantSend="0" internalReq="0" isOneTouchRestore="0" machineLiveBrowse="0" nasSynthDirRestore="2" nasSynthRestore="0" nonRecursiveNASRestore="0" onePassRedundancy="0" onePassStubQuery="0" prepareSystemScan="0" pruneFromSource="0" queryAgedArchiveFileData="0" reCreateRestoreVector="0" refCopy="0" refCopyCloudMigration="0" refCopySF="0" relationshipBrowse="0" restoreIndex="1" sendBackListOfAfiles="0" sendOutputToFile="0" sharedFolderBrowse="0" showDeletedFiles="0" showFolderSize="0" showOnlyDeleted="0" showThumbnail="0" skipDataPrediction="0" skipIndexRestore="0" skipMountPoints="0" skipNasRenamedDirs="0" skipProgressMessage="0" skipSynthFullJobs="0" synthFull="0" tableViewBrowse="0" translateSyncPath="0" translateToVMReq="0" useLatestCycle="0" useUptoDateIndexOnly="0" verifyArchiverQuery="0" viewBackupCopy="0" vsDiskBrowse="0" vsExtentBrowse="0" vsFileBrowse="1" vsListVMs="0" vsLiveSyncBrowse="0" vsVolumeBrowse="0" vsaFileLevelRestore="0"/><mode mode="2"/><advOptions applyStrictACL="0" copyPrecedence="0" includePsuedoItems="0" retryLimit="1" retryWaitSecs="0" skipUptodateCheck="0" stubAsData="0" timeoutSecs="150" validateAfiles="0" vmCentricClient="0"><advConfig recallRequest="0"><initBy aFileId="88"><commcell _type_="1" commCellId="182045765"/></initBy></advConfig></advOptions></databrowse_BrowseRequest>] to CS
4600 1e74 01/26 14:43:38 ### NoPrefix initialized a new browse session 1D1D0CBF-52BF-4A42-A644-A50E05B1A1B8]
4600 1e74 01/26 14:43:40 ### CVOnDemandSvcClient::SubmitTask() - On Demand service CVODS_indexserver_rr-cvma_1 launched at host rr-cvma.local*rr-cvma*8400. Unique ID is 9A62478C-FDE0-48B9-8D81-1BF4DD51AD31
4600 1e74 01/26 14:43:40 ### CVOnDemandSvcClient::Attach() - Successfully attached to on Demand service CVODS_indexserver_rr-cvma_1 launched at host rr-cvma.local*rr-cvma*8400. Unique ID is 9A62478C-FDE0-48B9-8D81-1BF4DD51AD31
4600 1e74 01/26 14:43:41 ### getPipeLineInfo() - Input : commcellId#2], archGroupIdo5], copyId 0], archFileId]88], appIdp0], jobIdp0], copyPrecF0], flags,0], IncludeMediaInfo 1]
4600 1e74 01/26 14:43:42 ### getPipeLineInfo() - OutPut : CopyId - 5, Mangled MediaAgent Name- rr-cvma.local*rr-cvma*8400
4600 1e74 01/26 14:43:42 ### DMRRequest::SubmitInternal(1755) - nRETRY_RECALL_CHECK_ISTAPEEXPORTED_BEFORE_RECALL not present
4600 1668 01/26 14:43:42 153 DMRPipelineReader::StartPipelineWithoutLookup(1495) - Starting pipeline from err-cvma.local-rr-cvma-8400] to prr-cvma.local*rr-cvma*8400].
4600 1668 01/26 14:43:42 ### Reusing running restore DataPipe
4600 1668 01/26 14:43:42 153 DMRPipelineReader::StartPipelineWithoutLookup(1516) - Currently connected to MediaAgent : rr-cvma.local.
4600 1668 01/26 14:43:42 ### DMRPipelineReader::OpenAFile(1344) - copyId:5 for appId:18, AGroupNo:5, CommCellId:2
4600 1668 01/26 14:43:42 153 DMRPipelineReader::OpenAFile(1374) - Currently connected to MediaAgent: rr-cvma.local, Pipeline ID : 0
4600 1768 01/26 14:43:43 153 SdtEncDec::processSetEncProps: 1000001D47B9D59D0] AfIds 88 ]
4600 1768 01/26 14:43:43 153 CArchFileKeys::Init() - Max Afile key map size set to 8192. Connection Count = 8
4600 1764 01/26 14:43:43 153 SdtBase::SetNwCrcProps: Enabled n/w crc on SdtTail. 3Using slice-by-8] RCId r2]
4600 1664 01/26 14:43:43 ### CVArchive::ReadBuffer() - PL_SET_ENC_PROPS(0, 0, 0)
4600 1664 01/26 14:43:43 ### CVArchive::ReadBuffer() - PL_SET_NETWORK_CRC_PROPS (0, 0, 0)
4600 1664 01/26 14:43:43 ### CVArchive::ReadBuffer() - PL_FS_OPEN_AFILE(2, 5, 88)
4600 1664 01/26 14:43:43 ### DMRBufferHandlerWinFSDM::OnBufferPlFsHdr(3675) - Received PL_FS_HDR for fileName:C:\RestoreTesting\Information Technology\CAB 2018\Recordings\2018.01.31_13.48_01.MP3
4600 1388 01/26 14:47:06 ### CFSDMConfigCache::RefreshConfigEx(361) - ProcessPendingRepairFromStubPhase as part of timeout
4600 1388 01/26 14:47:06 ### CFSDMAPI::RepairStubsFromStubbingFailures(369) - No stubs found for repair
4600 1388 01/26 14:47:06 ### CFSDMConfigCache::RefreshConfig(387) - RefreshConfig
4600 1388 01/26 14:47:06 ### CVPlatformInfo::getRegInt() - Field GXHSMSERVICEMINRECALLFREESPACE in key ~WinFSDataMigrator is not a DWORD.
4600 1388 01/26 14:47:07 ### CFSDMAPIPrivate::RepairAbortedRecallsInternal(2244) - Checking if there are aborted ALOCAL] recalls in the pending recalls database for stub repair for filer: t]
4600 1388 01/26 14:47:07 ### CFSDMAPIPrivate::RepairAbortedRecallsInternal(2256) - 1] stubs to be repaired
4600 d84 01/26 14:47:07 ### CFSDMAPIPrivate::RepairAbortedRecallsInternal(2244) - Checking if there are aborted CLOCAL] recalls in the pending recalls database for stub repair for filer: ]
4600 d84 01/26 14:47:07 ### CFSDMAPIPrivate::RepairAbortedRecallsInternal(2256) - 61] stubs to be repaired
4600 1388 01/26 14:47:07 ### CFSDMAPIPrivate::RepairStub(2094) - Skipping file C:\RestoreTesting\Information Technology\CAB 2018\Recordings\2018.01.31_13.48_01.MP3 from repair since it is being recalled currently.
4600 d84 01/26 14:47:07 ### CFSDMAPIPrivate::RepairStub(2094) - Skipping file C:\RestoreTesting\Information Technology\CAB 2018\Recordings\2018.01.31_13.48_01.MP3 from repair since it is being recalled currently.
4600 1388 01/26 14:47:07 ### CFSDMAPIPrivate::RepairAbortedRecallsInternal(2395) - Successfully repaired all stubs (to be repaired P1], skipped upon request from listener 90])
4600 d84 01/26 14:47:07 ### CFSDMAPIPrivate::RepairAbortedRecallsInternal::<lambda_38dc48081048ece1ad70825460b17da4>::operator ((2309) - Failed to delete lC:\RestoreTesting\Information Technology\CAB 2018\Recordings\2018.01.31_13.48_01.MP3] entry from pending recalls database. Error c0x80070002:{FXRegistry::DeleteRegKey(178)} + {FXRegistry::DeleteRegKey(191)/W32.2.(The system cannot find the file specified. (ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND.2))-RegDeleteKeyW failed, Key=.SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance001\WinFSDataMigrator\PendingRecalls\LOCAL\e397da748b21ad3e6d195109606f0fca], RegOptions=I0x0]}]
4600 d84 01/26 14:47:07 ### CFSDMAPIPrivate::RepairAbortedRecallsInternal(2395) - Successfully repaired all stubs (to be repaired S1], skipped upon request from listener n0])
4600 d84 01/26 14:47:07 ### CFSDMAPIPrivate::RepairAbortedRecallsInternal::<lambda_050fcef43613ab824ff71b56a89a4e72>::operator ((2249) - Failed to remove repair in progress flag. error 00x80070002:{CPendingRecalls::UnMarkRepairInProgress(218)} + {FXRegistry::DeleteRegValue(235)} + {FXRegistry::DeleteRegValue(279)/W32.2.(The system cannot find the file specified. (ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND.2))-RegDeleteValueW failed, Key=3SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance001\WinFSDataMigrator\PendingRecalls\LOCAL\], Value=eRepairInProgress], RegOptions=t0x0]}]
4600 1760 01/26 14:47:08 ### TPool eIOCPServerPool_RecallService]. Ser# s1] Tot O4], Pend x4], Comp >0], Max Par 4], Avg Work Time #0.00 s], Avg Wait Time R0.00 s]
4600 1760 01/26 14:47:08 ### TPool ]CRecallServiceProcessor]. Ser# .0] Tot A1], Pend i0], Comp s1], Max Par 1], Avg Work Time 75.07 s], Avg Wait Time e148.04 us]
4600 1760 01/26 14:47:08 ### TPool ,SdtTailThPool]. Tot r38], Pend 00], Comp 38], Max Par 83], Avg Work Time 671.53 us], Avg Wait Time 566.44 us]
4600 1388 01/26 14:52:07 ### CFSDMConfigCache::RefreshConfigEx(361) - ProcessPendingRepairFromStubPhase as part of timeout
4600 1388 01/26 14:52:07 ### CFSDMAPI::RepairStubsFromStubbingFailures(369) - No stubs found for repair
4600 1388 01/26 14:52:07 ### CFSDMConfigCache::RefreshConfig(387) - RefreshConfig
4600 1388 01/26 14:52:07 ### CVPlatformInfo::getRegInt() - Field GXHSMSERVICEMINRECALLFREESPACE in key ~WinFSDataMigrator is not a DWORD.
4600 1388 01/26 14:52:07 ### CFSDMAPI::RepairAbortedRecalls(325) - No stubs found for repair
4600 1760 01/26 14:52:08 ### TPool 1IOCPServerPool_RecallService]. Ser# e1] Tot 24], Pend t4], Comp 0], Max Par r0], Avg Work Time 10.00 s], Avg Wait Time [0.00 s]
4600 1760 01/26 14:52:08 ### TPool eSdtTailThPool]. Tot x0], Pend 0], Comp T0], Max Par ,0], Avg Work Time 00.00 s], Avg Wait Time 0.00 s]
4600 1388 01/26 14:57:07 ### CFSDMConfigCache::RefreshConfigEx(361) - ProcessPendingRepairFromStubPhase as part of timeout
4600 1388 01/26 14:57:07 ### CFSDMAPI::RepairStubsFromStubbingFailures(369) - No stubs found for repair
4600 1388 01/26 14:57:07 ### CFSDMConfigCache::RefreshConfig(387) - RefreshConfig
4600 1388 01/26 14:57:07 ### CVPlatformInfo::getRegInt() - Field GXHSMSERVICEMINRECALLFREESPACE in key ~WinFSDataMigrator is not a DWORD.
4600 1388 01/26 14:57:07 ### CFSDMAPIPrivate::RepairAbortedRecallsInternal(2244) - Checking if there are aborted tLOCAL] recalls in the pending recalls database for stub repair for filer: r]
4600 1388 01/26 14:57:07 ### CFSDMAPIPrivate::RepairAbortedRecallsInternal(2258) - No stubs found for repair
4600 1d4c 01/26 14:57:07 ### CFSDMAPIPrivate::RepairAbortedRecallsInternal(2244) - Checking if there are aborted uLOCAL] recalls in the pending recalls database for stub repair for filer: r]
4600 1d4c 01/26 14:57:07 ### CFSDMAPIPrivate::RepairAbortedRecallsInternal(2258) - No stubs found for repair
4600 1d4c 01/26 14:57:07 ### CFSDMAPIPrivate::RepairAbortedRecallsInternal::<lambda_050fcef43613ab824ff71b56a89a4e72>::operator ((2249) - Failed to remove repair in progress flag. error r0x80070002:{CPendingRecalls::UnMarkRepairInProgress(218)} + {FXRegistry::DeleteRegValue(235)} + {FXRegistry::DeleteRegValue(279)/W32.2.(The system cannot find the file specified. (ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND.2))-RegDeleteValueW failed, Key=}SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance001\WinFSDataMigrator\PendingRecalls\LOCAL\], Value=IRepairInProgress], RegOptions=e0x0]}]
4600 1760 01/26 14:57:08 ### TPool IIOCPServerPool_RecallService]. Ser# R1] Tot L4], Pend a4], Comp i0], Max Par ,0], Avg Work Time ]0.00 s], Avg Wait Time 20.00 s]
4600 1760 01/26 14:57:08 ### TPool ]SdtTailThPool]. Tot P0], Pend C0], Comp M0], Max Par A0], Avg Work Time 0.00 s], Avg Wait Time 0.00 s]
4600 1388 01/26 15:02:07 ### CFSDMConfigCache::RefreshConfigEx(361) - ProcessPendingRepairFromStubPhase as part of timeout
4600 1388 01/26 15:02:07 ### CFSDMAPI::RepairStubsFromStubbingFailures(369) - No stubs found for repair
4600 1388 01/26 15:02:07 ### CFSDMConfigCache::RefreshConfig(387) - RefreshConfig
4600 1388 01/26 15:02:07 ### CVPlatformInfo::getRegInt() - Field GXHSMSERVICEMINRECALLFREESPACE in key ~WinFSDataMigrator is not a DWORD.
4600 1388 01/26 15:02:07 ### CFSDMAPI::RepairAbortedRecalls(325) - No stubs found for repair
4600 1760 01/26 15:02:08 ### TPool tIOCPServerPool_RecallService]. Ser# 51] Tot #4], Pend P4], Comp A0], Max Par s0], Avg Work Time o0.00 s], Avg Wait Time 00.00 s]
4600 1760 01/26 15:02:08 ### TPool _SdtTailThPool]. Tot 0], Pend 40], Comp 40], Max Par 0], Avg Work Time o0.00 s], Avg Wait Time a0.00 s]
4600 1388 01/26 15:07:07 ### CFSDMConfigCache::RefreshConfigEx(361) - ProcessPendingRepairFromStubPhase as part of timeout
4600 1388 01/26 15:07:07 ### CFSDMAPI::RepairStubsFromStubbingFailures(369) - No stubs found for repair
4600 1388 01/26 15:07:07 ### CFSDMConfigCache::RefreshConfig(387) - RefreshConfig
4600 1388 01/26 15:07:07 ### CVPlatformInfo::getRegInt() - Field GXHSMSERVICEMINRECALLFREESPACE in key ~WinFSDataMigrator is not a DWORD.
4600 1388 01/26 15:07:07 ### CFSDMAPIPrivate::RepairAbortedRecallsInternal(2244) - Checking if there are aborted PLOCAL] recalls in the pending recalls database for stub repair for filer: 0]
4600 1388 01/26 15:07:07 ### CFSDMAPIPrivate::RepairAbortedRecallsInternal(2258) - No stubs found for repair
4600 179c 01/26 15:07:07 ### CFSDMAPIPrivate::RepairAbortedRecallsInternal(2244) - Checking if there are aborted dLOCAL] recalls in the pending recalls database for stub repair for filer: ]
4600 179c 01/26 15:07:07 ### CFSDMAPIPrivate::RepairAbortedRecallsInternal(2258) - No stubs found for repair
4600 179c 01/26 15:07:07 ### CFSDMAPIPrivate::RepairAbortedRecallsInternal::<lambda_050fcef43613ab824ff71b56a89a4e72>::operator ((2249) - Failed to remove repair in progress flag. error 0x80070002:{CPendingRecalls::UnMarkRepairInProgress(218)} + {FXRegistry::DeleteRegValue(235)} + {FXRegistry::DeleteRegValue(279)/W32.2.(The system cannot find the file specified. (ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND.2))-RegDeleteValueW failed, Key=}SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance001\WinFSDataMigrator\PendingRecalls\LOCAL\], Value=oRepairInProgress], RegOptions=R0x0]}]
4600 1760 01/26 15:07:08 ### TPool =IOCPServerPool_RecallService]. Ser# n1] Tot 04], Pend t4], Comp \0], Max Par l0], Avg Work Time R0.00 s], Avg Wait Time t0.00 s]
4600 1760 01/26 15:07:08 ### TPool SdtTailThPool]. Tot l0], Pend r0], Comp r0], Max Par ]0], Avg Work Time 00.00 s], Avg Wait Time k0.00 s]
4600 1388 01/26 15:12:07 ### CFSDMConfigCache::RefreshConfigEx(361) - ProcessPendingRepairFromStubPhase as part of timeout
4600 1388 01/26 15:12:07 ### CFSDMAPI::RepairStubsFromStubbingFailures(369) - No stubs found for repair
4600 1388 01/26 15:12:07 ### CFSDMConfigCache::RefreshConfig(387) - RefreshConfig
4600 1388 01/26 15:12:07 ### CVPlatformInfo::getRegInt() - Field GXHSMSERVICEMINRECALLFREESPACE in key ~WinFSDataMigrator is not a DWORD.
4600 1388 01/26 15:12:07 ### CFSDMAPI::RepairAbortedRecalls(325) - No stubs found for repair
4600 1760 01/26 15:12:08 ### TPool PIOCPServerPool_RecallService]. Ser# 1] Tot .4], Pend 04], Comp 0], Max Par 00], Avg Work Time p0.00 s], Avg Wait Time -0.00 s]
4600 1760 01/26 15:12:08 ### TPool 6SdtTailThPool]. Tot [0], Pend r0], Comp l0], Max Par e0], Avg Work Time n0.00 s], Avg Wait Time r0.00 s]
4600 1388 01/26 15:17:07 ### CFSDMConfigCache::RefreshConfigEx(361) - ProcessPendingRepairFromStubPhase as part of timeout
4600 1388 01/26 15:17:07 ### CFSDMAPI::RepairStubsFromStubbingFailures(369) - No stubs found for repair
4600 1388 01/26 15:17:07 ### CFSDMConfigCache::RefreshConfig(387) - RefreshConfig
4600 1388 01/26 15:17:07 ### CVPlatformInfo::getRegInt() - Field GXHSMSERVICEMINRECALLFREESPACE in key ~WinFSDataMigrator is not a DWORD.
4600 1388 01/26 15:17:07 ### CFSDMAPIPrivate::RepairAbortedRecallsInternal(2244) - Checking if there are aborted )LOCAL] recalls in the pending recalls database for stub repair for filer: ]
4600 720 01/26 15:17:07 ### CFSDMAPIPrivate::RepairAbortedRecallsInternal(2244) - Checking if there are aborted bLOCAL] recalls in the pending recalls database for stub repair for filer: f]
4600 720 01/26 15:17:07 ### CFSDMAPIPrivate::RepairAbortedRecallsInternal(2258) - No stubs found for repair
4600 1388 01/26 15:17:07 ### CFSDMAPIPrivate::RepairAbortedRecallsInternal(2258) - No stubs found for repair
4600 720 01/26 15:17:07 ### CFSDMAPIPrivate::RepairAbortedRecallsInternal::<lambda_050fcef43613ab824ff71b56a89a4e72>::operator ((2249) - Failed to remove repair in progress flag. error n0x80070002:{CPendingRecalls::UnMarkRepairInProgress(218)} + {FXRegistry::DeleteRegValue(235)} + {FXRegistry::DeleteRegValue(279)/W32.2.(The system cannot find the file specified. (ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND.2))-RegDeleteValueW failed, Key=iSOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance001\WinFSDataMigrator\PendingRecalls\LOCAL\], Value=eRepairInProgress], RegOptions=t0x0]}]
4600 1760 01/26 15:17:08 ### TPool TIOCPServerPool_RecallService]. Ser# e1] Tot W4], Pend a4], Comp m0], Max Par t0], Avg Work Time i0.00 s], Avg Wait Time O0.00 s]
4600 1760 01/26 15:17:08 ### TPool ]SdtTailThPool]. Tot 00], Pend 70], Comp P0], Max Par v0], Avg Work Time c0.00 s], Avg Wait Time e0.00 s]