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When creating a Plan, there is still no option to run syn fulls? I have to create the plan then go to auto-created schedule in the java console to add the syn fulls to the schedule. 

Hi @NateDogg,

With release 11.36, in addition to the Automatic synthetic full schedule, weekly/monthly synthetic full schedule gets added based on the rules for selective copy or extended retention. It is recommended to use the automatic and automatically created synthetic full schedules. Can you please let us know why you are looking to manually manage synthetic full schedules here? Also please let us know your software version.  

Thanks for the reply @Gokul Pattabiraman 

I am using WORM storage lock on 11.34 so I need it to run incrementals and a synfull (to save space and because VMs are too large to run traditional fulls-would take too long).

Hi @NateDogg ,


Yes Nate, for Fr34 you would need Java UI for this. Sync your SF schedule to the DDB sealing frequency as well so that once DDB seals schedule triggers SF job for workloads.


FR36 as Gokul highlighted, new SF auto schedule should help in future.

Doesn’t enabling WORM force traditional Fulls due to the DDB sealing?


Hi @Scott Moseman ,

Product default is No, we disabled it as it was taxing to run conventional Fulls, so schedule SF in sync with sealing of DDB.

The new DDB after a seal will not have the hashes or unique blocks.  Does the Synth Full job running on the new DDB seed the hashes/blocks from the previous DDB store?  They have to be coming from somewhere.


Deduplication is turned off on the commvault side for Worm storage lock with Data domain. So there is no DDB to seal.
