hi guys,
i just replaced old MA server to new MA server - the library and access node of cloud apps.
when i start backup job for teams, about 5 teams are sucessfull and about 1500 teams failing due to Failed to restore latest metadata files. Manual intervention required due to old or missing files. so i on the access node add “nSkipTeamsMetaDataCheck” - still same backup failing.
on the commserve node i add “bShowTeamsConvertJobToFull” run teams backup job and issue persist.
there is a CVTeamsBackupLog:
32944 4468 08/14 20:44:02 13920 Downloading metadata files from JobID=11955 for IndexingGUID [D90396AFX4D8CX40EAXBBE3X1E0DEB468560]
32944 4468 08/14 20:44:02 11955 CvRemoteFileCacheClient::DownloadFiles Caught error for file [D90396AFX4D8CX40EAXBBE3X1E0DEB468560.zip]: [0xECCC0016:{CvRemoteFileCacheClient::DownloadFiles(1008)} + {CvRemoteFileCacheClient::DownloadFileFromServer(896)/ErrNo.22.(Invalid argument)-Error Code: RFCTransferRespType_Failure received for file [D90396AFX4D8CX40EAXBBE3X1E0DEB468560.zip] with Reason:[0xECCC0016:{CvRemoteFileCacheServer::HandleDownloadFile(459)} + {JobAccessCtrl::IsFileCompressed(1150)} + {JobAccessCtrl::GetCollectFileXmlContents(232)/ErrNo.22.(Invalid argument)-Error: File [E:\DDP\IndexCache\RemoteFileCache\2\82AFC1A8-ED75-4176-82B0-E766D5A6E8B6\11955\RFC_COLLECT_XML_75A0905D-F76C-4374-882E-865B3C515550.xml] doesnt exists}]}]
32944 4468 08/14 20:44:02 13920 Failed to download metadata files, [0xECCC0016:{CvRemoteFileCacheClient::DownloadFiles(1050)/ErrNo.22.(Invalid argument)-Error: Downloading [1/1] files failed}]
32944 4468 08/14 20:44:02 13920 Failed to download file list
32944 4468 08/14 20:44:02 13920 Failed to restore metadata for [D90396AFX4D8CX40EAXBBE3X1E0DEB468560] using JobID [11955]. Converting this team to full backup.
32944 4468 08/14 20:44:02 13920 * CloseIndex