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Hi Team,


We are about to upgrade our older version of Mongo, which has been causing a few problems with log-files ballooning out.


Technically, we are all good with the upgrade process, but I actually don’t know what Mongo does in regards to the Commserve (thats where Mongo is installed).


Does anyone know?

It would be useful to understand, that in the unlikely event that the upgrade goes pear-shaped, then what functionality or impact to Commserve functionality might we encounter?


That would also help in presenting the upgrade change to the customer, who will most likely ask “what is the impact if the upgrade goes wrong”, as they normally do.


So if anyone knows, please shout-up!





You may find this article of use it explains within what MongoDB is used for:


  • Performance improvements for some list-based pages on the Command Center (Service Pack 15 and more recent releases)·
  • Storage and retrieval of comments and replies associated with Edge Drive objects.
  • Storage and retrieval of shares associated with Edge Drive objects·
  • Analytics on REST API consumption for any CommCell environment.


The above is taken straight from that article and will be the most relevant.


As you can see above, there are no mission critical operations being performed by MongoDB so if something goes wrong, nothing of critical importance will be lost.


An uninstall and re-install of the component will normally correct any issues if that is needed and whilst you may lose the content within MongoDB, it should only have a minor impact that normally goes unnoticed.


Let me know if you have any further questions on the above.


Thanks Michael - that looks spot-on.
