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Unbale to download Manual of packages agent for window and linux

  • 14 January 2022
  • 8 replies



I am trying to download the agent for my window and client system from the below URL




But getting the error on both URLs, Is there any other way to download manual packages for agent system window and Linux?


8 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +14

Hey @kumar,

I can see you split this off from the other thread.

It does seem you don’t have the permissions to download the Download Manager.

If your CS Software Cache is up to date, you could try copying the Media from that for Install.
- If it is not up to date, you could try a Download Software Job for Windows and Linux binaries. Refer here for details.


Best Regards,


Badge +4

Hi @MichaelCapon can you please provide me steps or screenshot where I can download the agent from CS software cache 

Userlevel 6
Badge +14

Hi @kumar,


Here’s the link to check the Software Cache location.

If the Software has been downloaded successfully, It will contain the CVMedia you need.
- You can check the SW Cache content by clicking “Cache Details” in the Software Cache Configuration dialog box. 


Best Regards,


Badge +4

But it’s more than 8GB so we need to copy the agent setup 8GB to the client system?

Userlevel 6
Badge +13

Run setup and choose the option to install to another machine and then to select a specific set of packages. You could build one for FS deployments that has extras like exchange, sql, etc and it will still be much smaller than the full package.

You could also use that software cache as your target package in a UNC path when doing a local install.

There is a download manager available on MA as well that lets you create custom packages similar to above.

Badge +4

Thanks @Aplynx I will look into it, if I am getting any issues on this I will back to you.


I am getting one more issue while going to install the agent from commcell portal unable to install on my Linux machine, but on the same way I am able to install it on the window, Is there any extra setting we need to do Linux side.



Badge +4

Hi @Aplynx @MichaelCapon 

can you please provide me update for above how we can install Agents  on Linux machine

Userlevel 3
Badge +13

Hi @Aplynx @MichaelCapon 

can you please provide me update for above how we can install Agents  on Linux machine

Hello @kumar

Im Download and Sync Cache Options window, in General tab click Advanced.
I thing this is what you are looking for!

