
[URGENT] Old Exchange Backup Restore Problem

  • 1 March 2024
  • 1 reply

Badge +1

Hey Guys!


(CV240229-614 Incident already open, but no helpfull results so far)

We need to restore mailboxes from 2015. We made in the past a HW SNAP, and copied the SNAP to Tape, where we have the Data now.

When i start the Browse, open the Information store, all DBs have the Size 0kb, but that should be normal in this case.

After i selected a DB file and started the recover database job, it goes instantly fail without doing anything. (Same when i start Mailbox Recovery)

I know you need a lot more informations - which one should i provide you additionally?

Thank you guys!

Because of that short job runtime, we have also nothing helpful in the logs:

Machine : atsw-cvltcs01
File    : JobManager.log

14904 5bd8  03/01 09:51:54 15169823 CVTHREADSTART newRstRequestThread(void *inArgs) Got userId [189] in request.
14904 5bd8  03/01 09:51:54 15169823 Servant    [---- IMMEDIATE RESTORE REQUEST ----] Task id [15169823] Clnt[atap-exdag1] AppType[Exchange Database][53]
14904 769c  03/01 09:51:55 15169823 Scheduler  Restore request successfully sent
14904 769c  03/01 09:51:55 15169823 Scheduler  Phase [3-Database Restore] (0,0) started on [] in [1] second(s) - startRestore.exe 15169823 15169823 -jt 15169823:3:1:0:0:27085
14904 2b7c  03/01 09:51:55 15169823 Servant    Reg [Control] received. Client [atsw-cvltcs01] plattype = 1
14904 7ef4  03/01 09:51:58 15169823 Servant    Reg [Non Control Monitor] received. Client [] plattype = 4
14904 7f0c  03/01 09:52:10 15169823 Scheduler  Set pending cause [There was nothing to restore - item(s) not found or not backed up.]::Client [atsw-cvltcs01] Application [StartRestore] Message Id [402653247] Error code [24:63] RCID [0] ReservationId [0].  Level [0] flags [0] id [0] overwrite [0] append [0] CustId[0].
14904 7128  03/01 09:52:10 15169823 Scheduler  Job [Failed] message received from [] Module [StartRestore] Token [] restartPhase [0]
14904 7128  03/01 09:52:10 15169823 ArchiveMgr JMArMgr::releaseAllJobStreams() Calling CvResourceManager::releaseJobStreams(jobType=2,appType=53,logicalRelease=true, retainStreamsForIndex=false)
14904 7128  03/01 09:52:10 15169823 JobSvr Obj Phase [3-Database Restore] for Restore Job Failed and cannot be restarted.
14904 3768  03/01 09:52:10 15169823 JobSvr Obj Job is abruptly killed or Failed. Prepare to launch Application Cleanup
14904 7128  03/01 09:52:10 15169823 Scheduler   -> FAILED <-

Machine : atsw-cvltcs01
File    : StartRestore.log

24896 502c  03/01 09:51:55 15169823 STARTRESTORE Mount Media Agent : 0
24896 502c  03/01 09:51:55 15169823 FSStartRestoreService::onMsgRestoreInit(1830) - Checking if the client:8967 is a Case Manager Client
24896 502c  03/01 09:51:55 15169823 JM Client  CVJobClient::initialize(): Got remote host [].
24896 502c  03/01 09:51:55 15169823 Init() - Initializing job control [token=No Token,cn=atsw-cvltcs01] in single threaded mode, serverName [], ControlFlag [1], Job Id [15169823]
24896 304c  03/01 09:51:56 15169823 STARTRESTORE options - 0x0
24896 304c  03/01 09:51:56 15169823 STARTRESTORE Restore Options -
24896 304c  03/01 09:51:56 15169823 STARTRESTORE synthetic full - no
24896 304c  03/01 09:51:56 15169823 STARTRESTORE commcell - 2
24896 304c  03/01 09:51:56 15169823 STARTRESTORE source client - 3122
24896 304c  03/01 09:51:56 15169823 STARTRESTORE dest client - 8967
24896 304c  03/01 09:51:56 15169823 STARTRESTORE apptype - 53
24896 304c  03/01 09:51:56 15169823 STARTRESTORE instance - 2074
24896 304c  03/01 09:51:56 15169823 STARTRESTORE backupset = 2317
24896 304c  03/01 09:51:56 15169823 STARTRESTORE subclient - 8445
24896 304c  03/01 09:51:56 15169823 STARTRESTORE from time - 1514679307 2017/12/31 01:15:07
24896 304c  03/01 09:51:56 15169823 STARTRESTORE to time - 1514680097 2017/12/31 01:28:17
24896 304c  03/01 09:51:56 15169823 STARTRESTORE source path - [Microsoft Information Store\MB-atapexdag1-3.3Restore to Non-Exchange Location <Out Of Place>D:\Italy\EXDAG-RESTORE\test]
24896 304c  03/01 09:51:56 15169823 STARTRESTORE copy - 2
24896 304c  03/01 09:51:56 15169823 STARTRESTORE em function - 0
24896 304c  03/01 09:51:56 15169823 STARTRESTORE em firstnode - 0
24896 304c  03/01 09:51:56 15169823 STARTRESTORE em skipnodes - 0
24896 304c  03/01 09:51:56 15169823 STARTRESTORE em page size - -1
24896 304c  03/01 09:51:56 15169823 STARTRESTORE skip errors and continue - [false]
24896 304c  03/01 09:51:56 15169823 STARTRESTORE checking whether super restore should be applied
24896 304c  03/01 09:51:56 15169823 STARTRESTORE subclient [8445] has snap enabled, switch to commserve db browse
24896 304c  03/01 09:51:56 15169823 STARTRESTORE restoring new exchange database data, disabling super restore for pre-11.0 exchange database data
24896 304c  03/01 09:51:56 15169823 STARTRESTORE starting regular restore
24896 304c  03/01 09:51:56 15169823 FSSubclientConf::load(696) - +++
24896 304c  03/01 09:51:56 15169823 FSSubclientConf::load(696) - --- 0:00.197298
24896 304c  03/01 09:51:56 15169823 STARTRESTORE start operation on subclient id [8445] name [EXCHANGE_DAG_HDS_DC1] backupset id [2317]
24896 304c  03/01 09:51:56 15169823 STARTRESTORE SECURITY: canRestore() returned true for subclientId (8445). User (189), commCell (2), srcClientId (3122), destClientId (8967), appTypeId (53), instance (2074), backupSet (2317), outOfPlace = (true) impersonateUser = (false) machineUId=().
24896 304c  03/01 09:51:56 15169823 STARTRESTORE Mount Media Agent : 0
24896 304c  03/01 09:51:56 15169823 STARTRESTORE filter browse XML string [<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><databrowse_Query type="0" queryId="0" />]
24896 304c  03/01 09:51:56 15169823 STARTRESTORE MediaAgent '' was extracted from the restore options table - getMediaAgent not called
24896 304c  03/01 09:51:56 15169823 STARTRESTORE mangled name for '' is '**8400*8402'
24896 304c  03/01 09:51:56 15169823 SNAPHELPER 4 data afile(s), 1 non-data afile(s), 1 in job map, 1 in time map, 1 restore(s), 4227745 first job, 4227745 last job
24896 304c  03/01 09:51:56 15169823 STARTRESTORE Snap restore for non-DB restore
24896 304c  03/01 09:51:56 15169823 STARTRESTORE connecting to MediaAgent '**8400*8402'
24896 304c  03/01 09:51:58 15169823 STARTRESTORE Sending source path 'Microsoft Information Store\MB-atapexdag1-3.3Restore to Non-Exchange Location <Out Of Place>D:\Italy\EXDAG-RESTORE\test' with strip level 2
24896 304c  03/01 09:51:58 15169823 SNAPHELPER Sending afile 1 of 4 (2,391,11656890) app 8445 job 4227745 copy 1199 bkpLevel 1 fileType 1 non-snap createTime 1514679325 snapId 0 srcMountPath '(null)' snapMountPath '(null)'
24896 304c  03/01 09:51:58 15169823 SNAPHELPER Sending afile 2 of 4 (2,391,11656925) app 8445 job 4227745 copy 1199 bkpLevel 1 fileType 1 non-snap createTime 1514679325 snapId 0 srcMountPath '(null)' snapMountPath '(null)'
24896 304c  03/01 09:51:58 15169823 SNAPHELPER Sending afile 3 of 4 (2,391,11656926) app 8445 job 4227745 copy 1199 bkpLevel 1 fileType 1 non-snap createTime 1514679325 snapId 0 srcMountPath '(null)' snapMountPath '(null)'
24896 304c  03/01 09:51:58 15169823 SNAPHELPER Sending afile 4 of 4 (2,391,11656927) app 8445 job 4227745 copy 1199 bkpLevel 1 fileType 1 non-snap createTime 1514679325 snapId 0 srcMountPath '(null)' snapMountPath '(null)'
24896 6310  03/01 09:51:58 15169823 STARTRESTORE Received FSR_MSG_NO_RESTORE
24896 17c   03/01 09:52:09 15169823 STARTRESTORE Received disconnect request
24896 17c   03/01 09:52:09 15169823 STARTRESTORE Disconnected MA session completed restore
24896 304c  03/01 09:52:10 15169823 STARTRESTORE Since we are done with all the subclients and have no successful files failing the restore.
24896 304c  03/01 09:52:10 15169823 JM Client  CVJobClient::initialize(): Got remote host [].
24896 304c  03/01 09:52:10 15169823 Sending FAILED complete message to JM, 15169823
24896 304c  03/01 09:52:10 15169823 STARTRESTORE Unregistering job control from CVD for the job 15169823

1 reply

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

Good morning.  Can you please provide the case number for the case related to this incident?
