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Good Day Community,


An auditing company is requesting the system generated user listings for Commvault from Jan 1st, 2023 – July 31st 2023, showing the following parameters:  

o    user ID

o    user status (active/disabled)

o    user creation date

o    user disabled date

o    access roles/groups

o    last login date.  


Is there a report I can run that would give that information?

If not, I’d like to create a custom report from the WebConsole, but what would be the table/view with the required information?

Many thanks in advance.

@Carl Brault 

Hi Carl, Please try using the below API call and check if this helps.

Also you can check from SSMS (CSDB): select * from UMusers this will give you all users details.

Thanks to both of you!

That was awesome. I used the SQL table and was able to generate a custom report with the required information.

Have an excellent day!
