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Hello, Team

I will like to know the exact privileges that is needed to backup MySQL database on commvault.

We are trying to backup several MySQL databases and we are not to get past the discovery phase. The user has the attached and local system admin.

Also, see the error we are getting while trying to make use of the user.


Hi @Mubaraq 

This error usually indicates the failure in connecting to the remote client from CommServer machine or not able to launch the process.

Can you try Check Readiness operation on your MySQL client and see all is good?




Hello, @Sunil 

The client is very fine on communications.

The root was used on the same client and we didn't get this error.


We created a user with root privileges but with a different name and we get this error.


This is the reason I am asking of the exact privileges needed for MySQL user. 


Kindly see the privileges granted on the mysql side in my previous message.

Looks like EXECUTE and LOCK TABLES are missing. Please cross check with the permissions listed in this page.


For restore operation, we need to grant all privileges.



