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I am still trying to configure vaul tracker policy but I did not succeed.


The goal is to export tapes automatically and receive a report with vault tracker reporting.


I followed this steps, are these the correct steps ?


  1. create the locations
  2. create the copy to tape policy
  3. create the schedule to run the copy to tape (last day of the month) (I’ll do it later)
  4. create a vault tracker policy
  5. create schedule to run the vault tracker policy to export tapes.  (I’ll do it later)


Here is the detailed steps  :


  • created two locations : transit and Stationary


  • I Created a new copy to tape policy (the copy will be scheduled at the end of the month)



The copy to tape copies the last full of the previous months to tape (The customer want to export the tape whathever is 100 % full or not) with retention 390 days. After the copy, the operator move this copy to safe deposit box.


  • create a new vault tracker policy


I selected the copy to tape I have created before



I specified the library



I am not sure about how the check here, I tried  also with  Active and Appendable checked



I ran the copy to tape manually, the full copy to tape was successfull


when I ran manually the vault tracker policy
no media

here is the content of the copy to tape 


if I run the vault tracker policy, nothing happen




Thanks for your help !


I verified again and I didn’t check them all


Now on the vault tracker policy I can see the medias, it seems to be good !


I continue my tests and kepp you informed

Now I see in the Vault tracker action this :

Can you you explain Whaht I should do now ? :)


I think the operator can now remove the 2 tapes from the library then I should click on Picked Up ?



I was able to create a  Reconciliation (Pending Actions)  report received by email, I configure it to send this kind of alert to the operator when there is some action to perform after the vault tracker policy is executed.



After a few minutes When i come back to the Vault tracker Actions, on the media list, it remains only one tape.  The 000111L7 is not displayed.



In the locations section

I found the tapes in the Not Available container





@Bloopa , I absolutely love this thread and how you were able to keep progressing, well done!

You absolutely found the first issue’s solution.  Without specifying any type of tape, there were not actions.

For the second issue, you have the policy set to auto acknowledge, which basically means it will essentially assume you moved the tapes that need to be moved without anyone actually moving anything or acknowledging in the gui.

From step 4 (

  1. While the media is in transit, you can track and acknowledge the status of the media using pending actions.

    • Use Manual Acknowledgement to track the media manually in the CommCell Browser.

    • Use Automatic Acknowledgement to acknowledge automatically all pending actions that are associated with the media providing that the source and destination are locations.

What is likely happening is the delay in tapes changing locations or the gui updating.  You may want to set the policy to Manual so the customer has to move the tapes out, then come to the GUI and say so.



