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Hi All,


i have the challange to backup an sql cluster with shared discs. 


Error Code: c91:354]
Description: Virtual machine nxyz] is configured with shared virtual disks. Snapshot operations are not supported for shared disks. Use an in-guest agent to protect virtual machines with shared disks.
Source: 1234, Process: JobManager


i tried to filter all scsi discs out wich are shared but the same erro comes during vsa backup test. 


is there any possibility to backup the vm only with the systemdrive over vsa backup. 


I dint want to go the way over fileagent and in dr case with the onetouch point. 



Hello @SSchmidt 

Unfortunately backing up VMs with SCSI adapters configured with sharing are not supported and the Filesystem Agent\SQL Agent would need to be used.

VMware -

  • Data You Cannot Back Up
    Virtual machines that contain SCSI adapters that are configured for bus sharing (physical or virtual)

Thank you,

Hi Collin,


thanks for the confirmation. Than the only way is the file agent. 


Do you know if there are special config needed in the agent like excludes for shared discs ? We only need the Backup for BMR
