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We have CommServe LiveSync setup. During test failover I noticed that Web Console and Command Center is not running on passive node, with error message “This service is currently unavailable”.
Is it expected behavior or not for Test failover? 


Hi @AndresL ,


It might be expected depending in your configuration.

We won’t know without checking logs, but I would assume the WebServer is only installed on the Active CS Node, therefore we can expect this when that Node becomes passive.


If you want the WebConsole and CommandCenter to remain operational during CS Failover, you could configure the WebServer and CommandCenter packages on a dedicated server, then set TPPM for the WebServer communication back to the CSDB

Hi @AndresL ,


It might be expected depending in your configuration.

We won’t know without checking logs, but I would assume the WebServer is only installed on the Active CS Node, therefore we can expect this when that Node becomes passive.


If you want the WebConsole and CommandCenter to remain operational during CS Failover, you could configure the WebServer and CommandCenter packages on a dedicated server, then set TPPM for the WebServer communication back to the CSDB

No, we have Identical configuration of Primary and passive nodes, both with web server.

Thank you @AndresL ,


Which WebServer is configured on the Passive CommandCenter? It may be used to configure the Active Node’s WebServer which should be stopped during Failover.

Problem solved, .NET core installation repair helped on Passive node.
