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I would like to ask what would be the most efficient configuration in terms of performance and cost on the azure platform.

My current configuration is as follows:
Monthly fulls are part of the primary copy with retention for more than 500 days. The copy is connected under a storage account with a hot access tier, as the copy also contains the primary backup configuration - 14 days 2 cycles.
According to a report from Commserve, only jobs with extended retention take up around 200 TB in total, across Azure subscriptions. I am currently using Azure reserved space which allows me to reduce storage costs, for smaller subscriptions I use classic pay as you go pricing method.

I started to wonder if it would be more cost effective to set up monthly full backups (those with extended retention) on a storage account with a cold access tier. However, I am concerned about how this will affect deduplication and what about data verification where there are a lot of read operations, which in contrast are more expensive with the cold access tier.

What in your opinion are the risks and benefits of using the cold access tier for jobs with extended retention and what in your opinion would be the most optimal and cost-efficient configuration in my case?

Definitely suggest taking a look at the architecture guides for your equivalent cloud:


In general, Cold storage is not suitable for your use case, if you want to verify the data. De-duplication to cold storage is OK but there will be overhead as micro-pruning is not available. e.g it wont be able to prune in blocks but rather object level (usually 8mb). You might be better off using a cool storage option for your tiered storage like S3-IA - but without specifics its hard to give a complete answer. Definitely check out the architecture guides as they provide pretty solid guidance and examples.
