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Trying to determine the timeout auth under the workflow properties. Under timeout for authorization it says default 10. Is that seconds\minutes\days?

It was set for 1 as a test and we ran a delete, approval workflow for a backup job but it set in the job controller for over an hour before we just approved it. 

EricF - default is 10 days


//If timeout is not set in configuration, set default timeout as 10 days and converting it to minutes//

 @Gseibak  I had a doubt about these authorization workflows, how are they invoked?

once we deploy, it automatically picks when the task( delete jobs/ restore job) is submitted by a user.

How is Commserve tracking them?

i meant we don’t configure, additional events for these workflow, 

we just have to deploy these workflows, and it automatically works..



that’s correct - these types of workflows are called “Business logic” workflows, meaning we capture the event as it happens and act on that event when we see the specific XML response. 

versus a normal workflow where you have to run manually or schedule it, business logic workflows “listen” if you will for specific XML events as soon as you deploy them\..
