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Would you suggest how to view the server or storage policy in command center for aux copy jobs ?


I guess we do show plan name for AuxCopy job. if that is not visible, it will come up in the future release. 

There’s a Plan column in FR32.  I don’t have a lab with FR28 to confirm an earlier version.


Our ticketing system generates Aux copy tickets , showing what Plan it is, is good however being able to see the storage policy will tell us when site has the issue… 

E.G.  Multiple Plans on same Commcell,

each Plan has 200 storage policies

each storage policy has 2 Aux copy jobs


each storage policy has 2 Aux copy jobs

I think there’s some confusion in terminology which is being used.  I have an idea of what you might be asking, though.

When you say each SP has 2 Aux Copy jobs, I believe you’re saying there’s 2 “Copies” under each Storage Policy?  And when you’re looking at the Aux Copy jobs in Command Center you want to know which “Copy” the specific job is referencing?

Assuming that’s the case, I don’t believe there’s a column in the Command Center interface which will provide the “Copy” for the job.  However, if you open up the Aux Copy job you will be able to see the “Copy name”.

Is this what you’re looking for?


this is accurate, imagine if you have 30 tickets for an Aux copy failed job,  I  click on each Aux copy job just to find out which one. multiply that 2 times a day.


Would be nice to see it at the active jobs.

