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i have primary storage pool is in hyperscale x cluster , and looking for best practice to configure secondary copy to cloud , commvault metallic storage ,

wehat is the best practise , 


do i need to use different media agent , or can i use any of the hyperscale x node , or what is best approach 


is there any other settings to be aware while configuing aux copy

Hi ​@Ajal 

Request you to refer to the FAQ below for guidance on Aux Copy configuration. Additionally, we recommend using a separate Media Agent (MA) for the MRR library to achieve better performance. 

@Pradeep  any particular reason to use seperate MA for MRR , could you point me any documentation which recommends  it , 


incase if there are no resourcese can i use one of the media agent of hyperscale x 

If there are no resource we can continue to use the existing MA.

@Pradeep  can we use same DDB database , or  if need to create ddb in one of the Media agent hyperscale x , will this make any issue in the cluster >? 

We can use existing DDB Database and it will not impact your existing cluster configuration 

@Pradeep  thank you, could help me how to point to the existing ddb while creating the storage pool 

kindly refer below document
