Hi Team,
My customer has large oracle DB 100 TB running on AIX power server and attached with Hitachi Storage. The DBs replicating to similar setup with block level replication. They configured the FS backup on replicated server and backing up DB (100 TB) as flat file using AIX FS agent. They restore the entire data to another AIX machine, storage space came from Dell storage on weekly basis.
The backup and restore handles by same seventeen-node HSX, the backup is completing by 5+ hours and restore take 25+ hours.
Currently we are trying to identify other possibilities to reduce the restoration window.
We had an idea to explore IntelliSnap, but I am curious to know is it possible to perform restore snapshot into Dell which was taken from Hitachi?
In this scenario, still data needs to travel over the network from source to target storage.
Can you suggest if you have any suggestion/input.