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Hi, I was wondering if anyone is using the Calendar Backup Job Summary Report from Commcell and do some basic success rate calculating based on this?

I think I’m able to use the raw Excel file and calculate the amount of successful and failed jobs using come sumproduct and countifs in Excel but if someone already has done this I’m interested on how it’s done.

And there’s a small issue when changing storage policy for a server. Then there will be multiple row in the spreadsheet and I’m not Excel savvy enough to try and combine and find the unique servers and at the same time count the backups on multiple row.

So any advise or tips is much appreciated.

Hi @hoco2023dk ,


Understand that you performing Raw data classification on excel app and this may need an engineer who is expert on excel program to use features like pivot table or data classification to eliminate the duplicate values and apply advance filters..

From CV report we can help generate raw data but any further changes to re classify data would be good to visit Microsoft site for understanding  excel functionalities or get assistance from office user expert.


Anything with regards to CV report feel free to let us know we can help you filter the data before saving it in CSV format.

Why are you wanting backup success from the calendar report?


I need a simple way to show the success rate of each server’s OS backup for a given customer while at the same time also showing the schedule frequency with one daily job per day.

I find the calendar report very straight forward as you can’t fiddle much with the selection. I’m merely choosing the groups and backup agents and look back for 1 month of data.

And I like to use the standard report in Commcell as that’s straight from the source you can say. Is there another way that might be easier/better?

I’m not aware of anything which provides all this data in a single report.  If it’s important enough, maybe an engagement with our Personalization team could result in a custom version of the calendar report to include all of your requirements.

