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You might have heard that CommCell views are an easy way to start building your own custom reports. While you can use any table from the CommServe database to create a data set for a new report, the data that you see in those tables doesn’t always make sense to a human. CommCell views are saved queries of the CommServe database, and they are available in every CommServe installation by default. These views display human-readable information from the database so you can find information that’s relevant to the report you’re trying to create.

Preview Data in SQL Server Management Studio

You can run CommCell views and see the results using SQL Server Management Studio, which is installed along with the CommServe software on the CommServe computer. There are many CommCell views, so if you just want to look at everything that’s available, SQL Server Management Studio is a good place to start. 

  1. Log on to your CommServe computer.
  2. Click Start > Programs > Microsoft_SQL_Server_version > SQL Server Management Studio.
  3. Go to the following location by expanding the tree in the left pane: CommServe computer name\database_instance_name > Databases > CommServ > Views. The available CommCell Views are listed in the left pane. For a cluster, instead of the database instance, a default or Named instance is displayed.
  4. To open a CommCell view, right-click the view, and then click Select Top 1000 Rows.

These steps are also available on the Commvault Documentation website at Accessing CommCell Views.

Preview Data in the Report Builder

Perhaps an easier way (and my preferred method) to see what’s in a CommCell view is the Preview feature in the Report Builder. You can select views for the basis of your data set and see some data before you start building.

  1. Open the Report Builder.
  2. On the Dataset tab, click Add. The Add Data Set dialog box appears.
  3. From the list at the top-right of the dialog box, select Database.
  4. In the Data Set Name box, enter a title.
  5. From the Databases list, select CommServ.
  6. From the Tables list, select Views.
  7. From the Views list, select a CommCell View.
  8. In the middle of the dialog box, click Preview. A preview of the data available in the View appears.

If you don’t see the data that you want to use in your report, just select another CommCell view from the list, and then click Preview again.

Build a Report from a CommCell View

The following steps can help you build an example of a custom report based on a CommCell View. These steps are also available on the Commvault Documentation website at Example: Building the Backup Failures Report.

Create a New Report

On the Web Console, click Reports. The Reports page appears.

  1. From the navigation pane, click Configuration > Reports, and then click New Report. The Report Builder page appears.
  2. On the Reports tab, in the Report Name box, type Backup Failures, and in the Description box, type “Includes information about the backup jobs that failed in each CommCell environment.”

Configure the Dataset

On the Dataset tab, click Add, and then configure the settings:

  1. In the Add Data Set dialog box, on the Query tab, select Database.
  2. In the Data Set Name box, type BackupInfo.
  3. In the Data Sources list, select Local (CommCell Name) , and in the Databases list, select CommServ.
  4. Select Views, and in the list, select dbo.CommCellClientLevelBkpJobSummary.
  5. Click Preview to collect the field names that you can use as columns in your report.
  6. Click the Advanced tab, and in the Time Out box, type 10.
  7. Click Done.

Create a Data Table

From the Visualization tab, drag Data Table to the Drop components to build the report box.

  1. From the Data Set list, drag these field names to the Data Table: Data SourceClientNameTotalJobsFailed, FailedObjectsFailedFolders.
  2. Select the table, and on the Properties tab, click General.
  3. In the Title box, type Job Failure Summary.
  4. On the Properties tab, click Fields, and then configure sorting and column names:
    • Beside Sorting, click Add Sorting, select Failed Jobs from the list, and then select Desc. The data in the table is sorted by the number of Failed Jobs in descending order.
    • Expand each Field Name section, and in the Display Name box, type a new name for each column: CommCellClientTotal JobsFailed Jobs, Failed Objects.

Create a Bar Chart

From the Visualization tab, drag Vertical Bar Chart to the Drop components to build the report box.

  1. On the Properties tab, click Fields and configure custom colors for the bars.
  2. Beside Custom Colors, click Customize Series Colors.
  3. Select each X-Axis from the list, and then click the box next to it.
  4. Click the Default Color box, select a color from the Color dialog box, and then click OK. Any bar that is not configured with a custom color displays the color configured in the Default Color box.

Preview the Custom Report

  1. To see what the report will look like, click Preview.
  2. At the top of the page, click Save, and then click Deploy. The report appears on the Worldwide Reports page under Untagged.

For additional information about creating custom reports, see the Commvault Documentation at Build Your Own Reports.

Thanks @Amanda Tesla! awesome guide!

Absolutely love this!!  I know we get SO many questions around this topic!

Hi Amanda

We regularly find data in those Views to be outdated or inconsistent. When reporting this to Support get feedback from Devs that those Views are not maintained or deprecated. Often needs mild force from SAM and TAM to get those changes on the way.

What’s your view on that?

Also is there a better/quicker way to suggest new views or updates to existing ones than through Support or logging a CMR?



Hi @Stefan Vollrath. I checked with Dev management to confirm. Yes, CommCell Views are still recommended as data sources for reports.

We do continue to maintain CommCell Views. If you encounter a view that contains inconsistent information, we should fix it. Please create a CMR for any issues.

If you need a new view, you can create a CMR so that development can work on that.

Hope this helps!

This is very interesting because my boss always wants something new

Unfortunately views are not comprehensive enough to get anything truly custom going, most of what you cobble together through views already exist in the form of a canned report.

Not responding to anyone, just  an old man shaking my fist in the air.


Hi @Stefan Vollrath. I checked with Dev management to confirm. Yes, CommCell Views are still recommended as data sources for reports.

We do continue to maintain CommCell Views. If you encounter a view that contains inconsistent information, we should fix it. Please create a CMR for any issues.

If you need a new view, you can create a CMR so that development can work on that.

Hope this helps!

Sorry to say, but imho views who deliver inconsistent information should be fixed as soon as possible though a TR and not via a CMR. A lot of customers leverage the views for of all kinds of purposes, ranging from standard reporting to alerting and billing. Delivering inconsistent information, especially in case when it negatively effects billing will soon result in customer escalations etc. 

One thing that would help b.t.w. is an update on the documentation and the enrichment of existing view to always include the organization/company.    

Hi @Stefan Vollrath. I checked with Dev management to confirm. Yes, CommCell Views are still recommended as data sources for reports.

We do continue to maintain CommCell Views. If you encounter a view that contains inconsistent information, we should fix it. Please create a CMR for any issues.

If you need a new view, you can create a CMR so that development can work on that.

Hope this helps!

Well, I have Case 210504-268 still open, multiple Bugs found in View CommCellSubClientConfig, multiple CMRs opened for that. Yes that thing is open over a year, no not all bugs are fixed still, some are even scheduled for FR29 or later, so yeah not really useful at all.

@Stefan Vollrath this cannot be the case, especially if you are really hitting a bug that is causing the view to output incorrect information. I would strongly recommend to have this escalated through your account team. Maybe @Mike Struening can shine some light on this as well or at least bring it up to the attention.

Please also share your CMR numbers!

Thanks for the tag, @Onno van den Berg !

@Stefan Vollrath , I’ll follow up with the case owner.  I can see in the notes there were some hotfixes for 11.20 and 11.24, though looking at Form ID 158420 shows it for 11.29.

Let me find out more from the case owner.

@Mike Struening  @Stefan Vollrath related to TR : 210504-268 which is specific to CommCellSubClientConfig Database view, Development fixed all the reported issues for SP24

There is only one outstanding point in progress “Snap copies were being shown in the CommCellSubClientConfig view irrespective of subclient being snap capable”  for this SP29 fix completed (Form id 158420) and SP24 (Form ID 5083) in progress
