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Event viewer logs


HI Matt,



Sorry for the delay.  We are getting below errors in Client Machine while attempting SSO.



Can anyone please help me on this we are facing this issue from long time.

7 replies

Mike Struening

@MSAmlin - Backup Team , thanks for the post!

Can you confirm if you are only getting login errors when trying to access the gui from one client, or is it from any client?

We need to see the log excerpts in EvmgrS.log at the exact time you get this error for more detail.



HI Mike,


We had commvault in one domain, we added a new domain with sso enabled at commcell,

and trying to access console from 2 machines

getting same database error. Please let me know if have any questions.

Mike Struening

Are you getting this error from using a login from the first/existing domain or the newly added/second one?

I’ll need to see the log excerpts in EvmgrS.log at the exact time you get this error for more detail.


I am getting these errors in new domain.

Please find below snip of logs from Evmgrs.



Mike Struening

Can you check the account you have assigned to connect to the new domain in SSO?  The error is showing ut might be locked out.  More than likely, the password was entered wrong (make sure you don’t copy and paste it from Word, or with any tailing spaces).


Hi Mike,


We are able to login Manually with the same account Credentials.

Mike Struening

Try re-entering the credentials within the SSO configuration in the GUI, and if that doesn’t work, open a support case (and share the number here so I can track it).


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