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I made a restoration of VM in a client aws account : 

Start time

Apr 30, 2024, 9:07:22 PM

Elapsed time

                1 hours 4 minutes 39 seconds

End time

Apr 30, 2024, 10:12:03 PM


                 1 hours 4 minutes 41 seconds

Average throughput

                 42.43 GB/hr

Size of application

                 45.72 GB

To be restored


No of files restored



How can we improve speed restoration, there are some tunnings features to increase the restoration.


We got grid MA : 

  • instance type :  r5.4xlarge
  • ebs : gp3 iops 3000 


The CPU on MA is under-provisioned 

Thanks a lot for your help.





Hi @karim,


We’ll need to check the logs on the MA/VSA Proxy to check the speeds of each part of the process here. - i.e. Read /Transfer /Writes.

Could you check the vsrst.log and check for the “stat-” counters for readmedia and writedisk? - Are there any obvious discrepancies in the performance or duration?

In the CVD.log can we check the FSRESTHEAD counters for Buffer and Read times also?


Let us know what you find.

If you need more urgent assistance then I would suggest opening up a Support case.


Best Regards,

