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What are you currently working on?

Mike Struening

Since we launched a few months ago, we’ve had thousands of members sharing their tips and tricks, as well as helping each other out.  Each and every one of you has helped a peer empower themselves through this amazing community.

Take a moment to introduce yourself and share what project or challenge you are currently focused on and let us know how we can help.  

Let’s use the power of our awesome community to boost each other ever upwards!

Damian Andre

Great post Mike - I am working on a bunch of projects at Commvault and Metallic related to self-service customer experience, proactive support, portals, knowledge search etc.



Mike Struening
Damian Andre wrote:

Great post Mike - I am working on a bunch of projects at Commvault and Metallic related to self-service customer experience, proactive support, portals, knowledge search etc.



What a coincidence, me too!  I am so looking forward to getting to share some of these projects with everyone here :nerd:

  • Byte
  • August 18, 2021

Right Now I’m trying to understand how the network throtteling is working, or rather not working. Traversing between Kbit/s to MB/s over GB/Hr and through MB/hr with bits and bytes in between makes my head spin.
One thing is sure, suspending an aux copy leaves it with zero network usage. :-)

Damian Andre
Henke wrote:

Right Now I’m trying to understand how the network throtteling is working, or rather not working. Traversing between Kbit/s to MB/s over GB/Hr and through MB/hr with bits and bytes in between makes my head spin.
One thing is sure, suspending an aux copy leaves it with zero network usage. :-)


Please create a topic on this - I think it would be great to discuss. For sure its a common question and it would be great to go back and forth on it.

Mike Struening
Damian Andre wrote:
Henke wrote:

Right Now I’m trying to understand how the network throtteling is working, or rather not working. Traversing between Kbit/s to MB/s over GB/Hr and through MB/hr with bits and bytes in between makes my head spin.
One thing is sure, suspending an aux copy leaves it with zero network usage. :-)


Please create a topic on this - I think it would be great to discuss. For sure its a common question and it would be great to go back and forth on it.

He already has :sunglasses:



A workflow to update a vm in vcenter with a custom attribute, then discover the vm in commvault and run a test backup.


It’s actually annoying.

Mike Struening
christopherlecky wrote:

A workflow to update a vm in vcenter with a custom attribute, then discover the vm in commvault and run a test backup.


It’s actually annoying.

🤣 That escalated quickly!

Which part is the annoyance?

Damian Andre
christopherlecky wrote:

A workflow to update a vm in vcenter with a custom attribute, then discover the vm in commvault and run a test backup.


It’s actually annoying.

Does it have to be a custom attribute? You can easily do tags with powercli and discover VMs based on tags in the subclient content.


The following example can be used to assign the “MyTag” tag to all virtual machines whose name contains the “*myvm*” wildcard pattern.

$myTag = Get-Tag MyTag

$myVM = Get-VM ‘*myvm*’

New-TagAssignment -Tag $myTag -Entity $myVM

Mike Struening wrote:
christopherlecky wrote:

A workflow to update a vm in vcenter with a custom attribute, then discover the vm in commvault and run a test backup.


It’s actually annoying.

🤣 That escalated quickly!

Which part is the annoyance?

Running the backup after adding the attribute to the VM.


That's the easy part.


The hard part is finding a way instance a backup for the single VM after fact.

In order for the vm to show up as an entity a discovery needs to be ran, but we have a number of sub clients that use a combination of attribute and naming convention for the the discovery. A data center refresh is overkill, as is a subclient refresh since I either have to iterate over every subclient, or build a list  values to match the subclient content. The latter is a non-starter since it would have to be hard coded and continually updated.

Onno van den Berg
Commvault Certified Expert

@christopherlecky just stop using the workflow engine and leverage Powershell SDK or APIs directly! It's so much easier and it's easier to find assistance! 

@Mike Struening Like the idea to start this thread but with the current setup of inSided you get lost very easily if people start to have discussions. In this case it would be cool that you could have the option to reply in thread (just like Slack). 

Onno van den Berg wrote:

@christopherlecky just stop using the workflow engine and leverage Powershell SDK or APIs directly! It's so much easier and it's easier to find assistance! 

@Mike Struening Like the idea to start this thread but with the current setup of inSided you get lost very easily if people start to have discussions. In this case it would be cool that you could have the option to reply in thread (just like Slack). 

In all honesty I found the powershell SDK to be inadequate when I first looked into it. 

Like all projects it has probably come a long way since then, but in the mean time Ihave created my own library of powershell classes and functions that uses the rest API, in fact I meant to share them with you since I saw your other post with the difficulties you were having with the SDK. 

The problem I have is that this is not for my use. This is intended for use by operators so the goal is to make it as easy to use and as foolproof as possible so I am using a combination of workflows and powershell.


So for example I am using powershell and powercli for vm discovery and calling it from the workflow.

The problem I am running into is getting large datasets back to the workflow after something like a vm discovery in powershell. 

Our vm has ~10K VMs and the discovery returns a JSON string that I simply cannot return. I can write the output to a file but every time I try to use file input in the workflows, it goes …. badly. 

So I’m still look for some kind of hack to make it work. The good thing is that even typing this out gives me some ideas.

Mike Struening
Onno van den Berg wrote:

@christopherlecky just stop using the workflow engine and leverage Powershell SDK or APIs directly! It's so much easier and it's easier to find assistance! 

@Mike Struening Like the idea to start this thread but with the current setup of inSided you get lost very easily if people start to have discussions. In this case it would be cool that you could have the option to reply in thread (just like Slack). 

Don’t I know it….I love the platform, though there are definitely some areas they can improve.

Not sure if you saw this a few months back:

Should mean some much needed features will be coming our way in due time.


Hi Mike, thanks for such a great initiative. I’m currently working on a marketing automation software for the iGaming industry. It would be great if you can check it, best churn prevention software

Mike Struening
stevencruise wrote:

Hi Mike, thanks for such a great initiative. I’m currently working on a marketing automation software for the iGaming industry. It would be great if you can check it, best churn prevention software

Awesome, I’m going to check this out!


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