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How does a customer determine the MS SQL Version that is currently in use on the Commserve? Customer would like to check the version to determine if an upgrade is needed.

There’s a few ways.

If you have LiveSync configured, then the SQL agent for the LiveSync clients will display the SQL version at the Instance level:

The other is to launch SQL Server Configuration manager and on the services, right click → properties and then go to the Advanced Tab and see the File Version:


You can look up the file version or sql version online to give you the exact release, I normally use

Alternatively if you have access to the SQL instance just run ‘select @@version’ as a query and it will tell you something like the following:

Then compare it to the list of certified releases in documentation and you’ll know if you need an upgrade.


Hope this helps!

If they have access to SQL Management Studio on the CommServe, they can run the following query:

SELECT @@version

Or via Command Line: 

SELECT @@version


Nothing easier than:

Then check global repository:


Thank you Jacek! 
