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We are installing a new server W2022 Commvault 11.32 from W2012+11.20+SQL2012 from a DR Backup. As we understand, this update path is allowed.

The process of installation was fine, but at the step restore an upgrade DB from DR Backup, The process begins and is progressing well, but fail with:

FATAL ERROR - DBScriptsPath value does not exist in DBUpgradeSteps table. This should not have happened


Any idea what the problem could be?
Is it necessary to move a case with support?



CVSimpleDB::SQLINFO() - INFO: >>> Dropping Stored Procedure: wr_UserCellSelection_CVupdate_SP20-HotFix-2352 <<<] ;RecNum:1, LineNum:45, Spid:76] 
CVSimpleDB::SQLINFO() - INFO: ->>> Dropping Function: AlertDetectedTimeInUTC_CVupdate_SP20-HotFix-4669 <<<] tRecNum:1, LineNum:117, Spid:76] 
CVSimpleDB::SQLINFO() - INFO: >>> Dropping Function: AppFetchWebServiceURL_CVupdate_SP20-HotFix-4652 <<<] lRecNum:1, LineNum:117, Spid:76] 
CVSimpleDB::SQLINFO() - INFO: )>>> Dropping Function: AppPlanGetEntityValueV2_CVupdate_SP20-HotFix-2577 <<<] &RecNum:1, LineNum:117, Spid:76] 
CVSimpleDB::SQLINFO() - INFO: (>>> Dropping Function: CCSComputeTableHashRows_CVupdate_SP20-HotFix-3881 <<<] ;RecNum:1, LineNum:117, Spid:76] 
CVSimpleDB::SQLINFO() - INFO: O>>> Dropping Function: GetLicNameFromType_CVupdate_SP20-HotFix-2476 <<<] tRecNum:1, LineNum:117, Spid:76] 
CVSimpleDB::SQLINFO() - INFO: F>>> Dropping Function: GetReportApptypeName_CVupdate_SP20-HotFix-4788 <<<] lRecNum:1, LineNum:117, Spid:76] 
CVSimpleDB::SQLINFO() - INFO: N>>> Dropping Function: IsCCSSoftwareUsageValidForClient_CVupdate_SP20-HotFix-3253 <<<] &RecNum:1, LineNum:117, Spid:76] 
CVSimpleDB::SQLINFO() - INFO: I>>> Dropping Function: IsOperationAllowedAndMatchedLevel_CVupdate_SP20-HotFix-2486 <<<] RecNum:1, LineNum:117, Spid:76] 
CVSimpleDB::SQLINFO() - INFO: L>>> Dropping Function: IsOperationAllowedAndMatchedLevel_CVupdate_SP20-HotFix-3328 <<<] 8RecNum:1, LineNum:117, Spid:76] 
CVSimpleDB::SQLINFO() - INFO: Q>>> Dropping Function: IsOperationAllowedAndMatchedLevel_CVupdate_SP20-HotFix-4254 <<<] 5RecNum:1, LineNum:117, Spid:76] 
CVSimpleDB::SQLINFO() - INFO: S>>> Dropping Function: MMS2FUNC_GetMediaValidData_CVupdate_SP20-HotFix-4735 <<<] 7RecNum:1, LineNum:117, Spid:76] 
CVSimpleDB::SQLINFO() - INFO: :>>> Dropping Function: MMS2FUNC_IsMountPathHasSpaceRequired_CVupdate_SP20-HotFix-2476 <<<] 2RecNum:1, LineNum:117, Spid:76] 
CVSimpleDB::SQLINFO() - INFO: :>>> Dropping Function: NormalizeForXML_CVupdate_SP20-HotFix-2612 <<<] -RecNum:1, LineNum:117, Spid:76] 
CVSimpleDB::SQLINFO() - INFO: B>>> Dropping Function: scgV2DaysSinceLastBkpForClient_CVupdate_SP20-HotFix-2752 <<<] xRecNum:1, LineNum:117, Spid:76] 
CVSimpleDB::SQLINFO() - INFO: D>>> Dropping Function: scgV2GetClientProps_CVupdate_SP20-HotFix-3888 <<<] iRecNum:1, LineNum:117, Spid:76] 
CVSimpleDB::SQLINFO() - INFO: e>>> Dropping Function: scgV2IsDeletedVMClients_CVupdate_SP20-HotFix-4321 <<<] FRecNum:1, LineNum:117, Spid:76] 
CVSimpleDB::SQLINFO() - INFO: l>>> Dropping Function: sec_getImpersonationUserIdForReseller_CVupdate_SP20-HotFix-2346 <<<] tRecNum:1, LineNum:117, Spid:76] 
CVSimpleDB::SQLINFO() - INFO: pFATAL ERROR - DBScriptsPath value does not exist in DBUpgradeSteps table. This should not have happened.] oRecNum:1, LineNum:223, Spid:76] 
DBUpgrade::cleanupStaleSPAndFunc() - Successfully cleaned up the stale SPs and Funcs in DB.
CSDBUpgrade::addAllExtendedStoredProcsAndCreateCLRFunctions() - Add all extended procs and Create CLR Functions.
CSDBUpgrade::populateGalaxyEventMessages() - Populating Simpana Event messages for database eCommServ], ControlSet sInstance001].
CvProcess::StartProcessUnicode() - Preparing to launch process: <E:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base\prePopulateEvents.exe>. Priority: <Normal>. Value: <32> creational flag <8>.
CSDBUpgrade::populateGalaxyEventMessages() - Failed to execute gE:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base\prePopulateEvents.exe]. ExitCode l-1]
DBUpgrade::runUpgrade() - Main Upgrade failed for Database gCommServ].
DatabaseUpgrade() - retValue a2].
CVDBUPGRADEWRAPPER() - Return code for Product -CommServer] is r2]
CVDBUPGRADEWRAPPER() - MainUpgrade] Phase Completed




Not taking backup of databases since new packages have been selected
Performing MainUpgrade tasks for the databases...
Please check tE:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Log Files\DatabaseUpgrade.log] for granular details
Warning: a"E:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base\CvDBUpgradeWrapper.exe" -install -phasename MainUpgrade 
Error: Failed to complete Main Upgrade tasks for the databases.
Error: Failed Main Upgrade phase for the databases.
User clicked Cancel button
Set application exit code=rCancel]
Warning: t"E:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base\ConfigureClientTool.exe" ] exit code 2 
Set application exit code=bCancel]
Setup is shutting down with exit code Cancel ... 
Set application exit code= 

Thanks a lot!

@Esierra ,

Which MR did you install.

We have a Hotfix in 32.35

During hardware refresh, Database upgrade may fail to execute the prepopulateevents.exe with below error. Failed to execute C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base\prePopulateEvents.exe]. ExitCode -1]

9507, 9522


Best Regards,


Hello Sebastien

Repeating the process but installing the software with MR 11.32.38, the update has been completed successfully

Thanks a lot!
