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After upgrading from 11.32 to 11.36.28, some backups on the Azure stack fail with this error:

Unable to create a virtual machine snapshot of [x]. [Failed to fetch a Valid SAS Token. Could not find member 'fileFormat' on object of type 'AccessData'. Path 'fileFormat', line 1, position 57. Code=BadRequest, HTTP Code=400-Bad Request] Please check the virtual machine snapshot tree.


Any help?

Hi ​@Beckley ,

Good day!

There are some known issues with this failure and our Development team is working on the same.

Advise you to create a support case for the same


Sureshkumar S

Thank you ​@Sureshkumar S 

What would it be nice if there if customers could query the known issues vault. This would save us all a massive amount of time and would also help keeping up customer experience. What makes you send out a KB article to us all and what not? 
