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.NET Core 6.0.goes end of support November 12, 2024. When can we expect an update for this please?

@James Buckland it's June, so they still have some months to go before this really because a risk 😉 But rest assured they will fix it as part of the next platform release and/or maintenance releases that are ahead of us. 

Thanks for the assurance Onno. I realise it is a way off, we are just trying to plan in upgrade work for our various applications that use .NET 6.0.

11.32.73 introduces .Net8 instead .Net 6.


we are on 11.28.129 usinf .NET 6.0.x ...does anyone know if this version of CV is compatible with .NET 8.0.x hosting bundle or would we need to upgrade to latest and greatest.  

@Jacek Piechucki   you stated that 11.32.73 introduces .NET 8.x

FYI - So I opened a ticket with support today and the support rep informed me the following:

Commvault 11.36.x will introduce support for .NET Core 8.x. However, Commvault 11.32.x does not support .NET 8.x. 

If you are considering an upgrade due to the end of support for .NET 6.x, moving to Commvault 11.36.x would be necessary to ensure compatibility with .NET Core 8.x.


I guess regardless we need to upgrade since we are on 11.28.129







Unfortunately, it is not true. MR 11.32.73 is bringing .Net v8 to FR 11.32.
Updates 11755|11754, 11750|11749, 11747|1745 are the ones sourcing .Net v8.


Thanks @Jacek Piechucki 

so they aren't at 11.32.73 just yet?  I thought I saw latest for 11.32 is 11.32.69.  Is there a timeframe of when 11.32.73 would be released?   sorry if you are repeating yourself.   Thanks again!


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