Hi @Gianluca Rossi
Kindly review the MongoDB version from the installation directory provided below and verify the details in the Details tab.
If in case the upgrade of mongo DB was skipped during the install process we can upgrade it manually
Manually upgrade KB - https://kb.commvault.com/article/54441
Hi Pradeep,
the MongoDB version have been extracted from:
c:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\MONGODB\Server\Latest\bin>mongod.exe --version
db version v6.0.14
Build Info: {
"version": "6.0.14",
"gitVersion": "25225db95574916fecab3af75b184409f8713aef",
"modules": o],
"allocator": "tcmalloc",
"environment": {
"distmod": "windows",
"distarch": "x86_64",
"target_arch": "x86_64"
So it seems that somehow, during the upgrade from 11.32 to 11.36 MongoDB was skipped.
Is there a way to upgrade to MongoDB 7.0.x ? Is it safe or can be distruptive ?
The kb you linked is for minor upgrade
Do we lose performance if we stay with this version of MongoDB ?
In the CVMongoInstall.log I’ve found the following entries (related to the CV upgrade to 11.36)
18188 1 12/23 10:39:41 ### ### IsVersionUpgradeRequiredPreInstall - Installed mongo version:6.0.1 LATEST_MONGODB_VER 6.0
18188 1 12/23 10:39:41 ### ### setRegistryValue - Set registry value: section Database, keyName sMongoVersion value 6.0.1
18188 1 12/23 10:39:41 ### ### IsVersionUpgradeRequiredPreInstall - Upgrade is not required as versions match
So there was no error at all, the installation procedure was looking for a 6.0.x version and not a 7.0.x.
Is it correct ?