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Is there a way i can assign 1 scratch pool to 2 tape libraries?


Kind regards,

Joao Amaral

Hi @jmiamaral , thanks for the post!

Scratch Pools kind of below to a specific tape library, though there’s no reason Library 2 can’t use the tape from 1 (assuming the hardware can interacted).

What is your use case and end goal?

Hello @Mike Struening ,

Currently i have 1 tape library ACSLS with +100000lvs configured that i have to deconfigure (because i need to remove libattach controller of the way, it generates to many errors) and move this tapes to another configuration, and in order to remove this library i am gonna create multiple tape libraries VJUK (because this has a limit of 40000 lvs). 

And when i create this multiple tape libraries, i would like this new libraries have acess to the same scratch pool so i dont have to monitor each library’s scratch pool if one of them runs out of tapes.

Hope i made myself clear so you can understand my question. :)

Kind regards,

Joao Amaral

You made yourself clear!

So each library will have a logical set of drives and its own logical scratch pool.  Each library will have defined slot ranges.

Each library will only see the scratch tapes in the slots for their assigned ranges and not use each other’s.

Let me know if that answers your question.

@Mike Struening All tapes will be in the same range, example Fxxxxx, and if that tape is in the scratch pool, any library can go there and use it. That’s my objective.

Kind regards,

Joao Amaral

What about the slots?  You will have to define slots for the libraries and that’s where the issue comes into play.  Each library is only going to see certain slot ranges.

So the only solution is to have number of tape pools = libraries?

Its the same for storage pools right? Can i associate more than 1 librarie to a storage pool? 

So the only solution is to have number of tape pools = libraries?


Its the same for storage pools right? Can i associate more than 1 librarie to a storage pool? 

If you make a global storage pool for the tape library, multiple Storage Policies can share the same library.

But that global storage pool doesn’t solve my problem right?

Not really…...your goal is to have any logically split library use the scratch from any other library, though your issue is going to be the slot assignments.  Lib2 won’t see tapes in the slots assigned to Lib1.

Granted, if you move things around manually, sure, but that’s not ideal.

Essentially, each Library will have its own scratch pool.

Ok, i guess my problem doesn’t have an easy/ideal workaround.

Thnak you for the anwsers :)
