Hi @Ahmed Wael ,
Since the existing disk library is already in use and configured for the current storage policy, the new MediaAgent sharing the disk library should automatically be visible. If it is missing, you can manually add the data path to the library.
Hello @Ahmed Wael
As Pradeep says it will be automatic.
A good way to think about it is that the library is associated and all of its methods of accessing are populated into the data paths tab. If you remove a MA from the library, it will be removed from the tab. same is true if you add a new MA into the library.
Kind regards
Albert Williams
Thanks a lot @Pradeep and @Albert Williams for your replies. I have another question please, currently I have a "round-robin" configuration between the media agents in all storage policies associated to this disk library. What would be the impact if I shared the disk library mount paths with the new media agent and it's still not able to communicate with all clients from the firewall perspective? Would we have some alerts for those clients since this media agent is not available for load balancing?
My plan was to prepare everything on this media agent and test it's ability to communicate with the storage but not to participate in any backups currently, but as per your replies, it would be added in all the storage policies associated with this disk library once I share the mount paths with it.
To avoid the participation of this media agent in the backups then I have to either not to share the mount paths of the disk library with it or to disable this media agent in the "data paths" of each media agent is that correct?
Hello @Ahmed Wael
There are a few ways you can stop that MA from being used. Maintenance mode would be the simplest way to achieve it. Even though a Datapath is added automatically you can remove it after the fact if needed and add it back in your self when ready.
Many ways to achieve this. At the end of the day if we attempt to use a MA and it fails. The job will have a failure and reattempt with a different one. end result is 5min lost as it will do its standard wait before retry.
Kind regards
Albert Williams
+1 for setting the MA on Maintenance Mode - That will be the easiest since it will keep everything configured for the MA while still not using it due to being on Maintenance.
As Albert has explained, if there are multiple MAs configured to access a Library, and one of them is not available, the job would flag it with a failure message, but will retry the operation with another MA from the pool
Hello @Albert Williams & @Javier
Thanks a lot for your support. It’s really appreciated.