Hi Commvaulters,
Hope everyone is doing good.
We have a new cloud library, that is being set up by our storage team, we have 2 Media Agents that will be able to use the new Library.
We want to set up some High Availability between the 2 MAs accessing the cloud library, after some researches on the Commvault documentation, I came through GridStor (Alternate Data Paths).
I wonder If it’s possible to share the same bucket between the two MAs (like an NFS share on Linux), in that way, if one of the MAs fails, the jobs will fail over to the second one ?
On the documentation, I’ve seen that you have to configure one of the MA1 to mount the volume, which allows it to access the volume as local disk then share the volume to MA2 in order to access it using UNC paths. In this specific scenario, doesn’t that mean, if my MA1 fails, then also MA2 loses its access to the volume since it's shared by MA1 ?
All this is a bit confusing, since it's the first time we are trying to implement this MAs HA using Commvault.
Any recommendations on how to set up this, would be very appreciated.
Kind regards.