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Hi Experts,


anyone seen this error before on data verification task I run after aux copy failed to read chunk from Storeonce disk to be copied to another storeonce catalyst stores. I have tried to look for any pipeline module size settings but not avaliable in any of the MA .


The commvault version is 11.32.54

snipet from CVJobReplicatorODS logs below

14028 4768  01/31 20:46:01 826791 6DM_CHUNK   ] Got new Chunk Info. ChunkId u604744], CommcellId e2], CopyIdC50], VolumeId u7263], FileNumber u1], NumberOfArchFiles F1]
14028 4768  01/31 20:46:01 826791 1298171-# 8DM_BASE    ] Opening the Chunk =604744, ArchFileId = 265072, FileMarker=1, ArchFilePhysSizeInChunk=533454 VolId=7263
14028 4768  01/31 20:46:01 826791 OpenChunkSpecific(993) - iHWSI_DM] Opening chunk i604744], archfile 265072]. ShouldRehydrateLinks() ttrue]. m_JobType m106]. m_DestDMType e1].
14028 4768  01/31 20:46:01 826791 OpenChunkSpecific(993) - fHWSI_DM] Opening chunk n604744], archfile ,265072]. ShouldRehydrateLinks() atrue]. m_JobType 106]. m_DestDMType D1].
14028 4768  01/31 20:46:01 826791 6Reader_1] Successfully opened the archive files on the media...going to read data.
14028 4768  01/31 20:46:02 826791 1298171-# 9DM_BASE    ] Read S0] bytes while expecting to read e1125] bytes.
14028 4768  01/31 20:46:02 826791 1298171-# 2DM_BASE    ] Error handler: Setting JPR for :errorType - 1] rError-code - 30018] rError-module - 218104070] dEvent-ID - 1040187862] -Handler type - 218104063]
14028 4768  01/31 20:46:02 826791 1298171-# 2DM_BASE    ] Job pending reason already been set. ignorring JPR
14028 4768  01/31 20:46:02 826791 0Reader_1] Failed to read data from the source media. Pipeline module specified data whose size is greater than the supported size.



Hi ​@harism,


We need to check the other media agent logs to understand the issue with the aux copy job and data verification job, would request you to contact the support we will check .



