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Backup Copy To Tape


Hello, we currently have a server where AD and File System backups are performed (Disk D: and Disk F:). The customer has asked us to copy to tape the F: Disk, how is it done, with an auxiliary copy? Thanks 😊

Best answer by Mike Struening RETIRED

That’s it!  Once the Aux copy is created, you can edit the properties and deselect whatever subclients you don’t want to have going to those sets of tapes.

Let me know if you have anything else I can clarify 😎

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Mike Struening

Hi @Johana and welcome!

First question is, are the D: and F: drives separate subclients?  If so, you can create an Aux Copy and only associate the F: drive subclient.

If the content is all in one subclient, you can still create an Aux Copy, but you’ll be getting D: and F: together (if that’s not a problem).

This doc starts the entire Aux Copy section.  Take a look and let me know if you have any follow up questions.  I’ll be happy top answer!

  • Author
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  • 9 replies
  • April 18, 2022

Thank you very much for responding so promptly, Mike! 

Both disks are in a subclient, but it's not a problem. So, I should create a Storage Policy, associate the subclient and then create the auxiliary copy to launch it to tape, right?

Best Regards,


Mike Struening

That’s it!  Once the Aux copy is created, you can edit the properties and deselect whatever subclients you don’t want to have going to those sets of tapes.

Let me know if you have anything else I can clarify 😎

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