
Backup to tape fails due to a network pipe issue

  • 5 April 2024
  • 1 reply

Badge +2


Good day

My backups were running before now, all of a sudden they started failing because of this error:


Unable to communicate with remote machine {Linux media Agent} to start data pipe. Please check the following:
1. Network connectivity exists between client and remote machine

  1. Product servuces are running on remote machine.
  2. Firewall is setup properly between client and remote machine
  3. Error [Connection failed on oracle_dba with these errors: 1 Couldn/t complete tunnel connection to tape_linux)server on No route to host

All these seem like network issues. I tried to add entries into the host files of all clients affected. It still keeps failing.


This is the case

I want to backup oracle files and instances to tape, via a linux media agent. The backups ran some days ago, and all of a sudden they have failed with the errors i quoted up here. Someone should help me resolve this challenge.



1 reply

Userlevel 6
Badge +14

Hello @zadok001 

Thanks for the great question!
The CVFWD.log is going to have all the tunnel connection details between the MA’s and the clients. 
I would check on the client you see a tunnel opening up and the same on the Media agent that is reporting the issue. 

If you want to reproduce the error without starting a job you can setup a “persistent” tunnel between the two servers and validate that it gets established.

This is a tunnel that the client will always try to keep open and the CVFWD log will either show a successful attempt or a failed attempt every 15 seconds. 

If all else fails, Support ticket is the way to go :D

Kind regards
Albert Williams
