Hi all,
can someone advice howto proceed with a snap copy in case of loss of the associated datapaths ?
In former releases it has been possible to simply create a snapcopy associated with multiple datapaths and set it to use the default path and only alternate paths, if the default path is offline, to store the snap meta data.
This was even possible, using non-dedup pools.
Now I create a plan, that automatically uses the same (dedup) pool for the snap meta data as for the primary copy.
This cannot be changed any longer.
if the primary pool goes offline, I’m no longer able to create intellisnap backups, due to missing options to store the meta data.
I can use the JavaGUI (not CommandCenter), to promote my secondary copy to primary and continue with sreaming backups, but IntelliSnap backups are no longer possible, because the snap primary is not available and cannot be changed.
I’m also not allowed to delete the snap primary using the CommandCenter and create a new one, pointing to a non dedup pool (that could be configred as described above).
Introducing additional data paths to another storage system for the dedup pool is not an option, because this would lead to efective backup data being written to it (primary copy).
kind regards