The following procedure allows you to safely update Fujitsu Appliance iRMC Password which won't impact operations such as:
Hardware failure alerting
Important Note - for the HyperScale Appliance\, Commvault leverages the IPMI protocol to monitor the physical hardware by design\, and reports back to Command Center if there is a fault.
IPMI - Intelligent Platform Management Interface is a set of computer interface specifications for an autonomous computer subsystem that provides management and monitoring capabilities independently of the host system's CPU, firmware and operating system.
The following procedure are applicable for the following use cases:
Updating iRMC Password for security purpose
Resetting iRMC Password if it is forgotten or lost
IPMITool is installed at the Guest OS level (Redhat OS)
Updating iRMC Password
First, you will need to establish a SSH session onto the Guest OS (HyperScale RedHat 7.#)
Then input the following command:
# ipmitool user set password 2 (the actual password)
Parameter Meaning:
user - Configure Management Controller users
set - Set runtime variable for shell and exec
password - Remote session password
2 - is always the default admin for OEM (in this case Fujitsu) -> this is the highest level user in the
Note - if you are going to include special characters such as (@\, !\, $ and etc)\, you will need to input the password encapsulated by ' '
Once the command is successful, the iRMC password will be updated immediately.
Confirm that you can login to iRMC after password change:
CommServe VM on Appliance
For HyperScale Appliances with a CommServe, RHV-M leverages the iRMC to perform power management operation, and it is necessary to ensure that the password is updated on the RedHat Virtualization (RHV) as well.
1. Log into RHV-M Host (Hosted Engine).
2. Select Compute -> Hosts from the navigation menu on the left.
Select a node, then click Edit.
Select “Power Management” from the menu on the left.
5. Select the existing ipmilan fencing agent for that host:
6. Update the password\, then click “Test”. A power on command will be sent to the node (no effect if the system is already running) and ensure that it can issue commands to the iRMC.
7. Repeat this process for each node in the RHV cluster.