Hi Community
I hope someone can help with below issue.
I am trying to create a ddb partition on a Linux media agent with encrypted disk.
While creating the partition I get the error like when the 10% free is not available.
It looks like the labelling process is not handling the encrypted volume name well. Is this a known issue and is there a workaround for this?
IdxLabelUtil::main() - Started with parameters: [-op checkminvgspace -ict 2 -dst /ddb/psql_prod_ddb_p1 -cn xxxxxxxxxxx -vm Instance001]
IdxLabelUtil::main() - Performing operation: [CHECKMINVGSPACE].
IdxLabelUtil::ProcessMinVGSpace() - Checking Free Extents for DDB Snap Capability for path[/ddb/psql_prod_ddb_p1].
IdxLabelUtil::checkMinVGSpace() - User given path = /ddb/psql_prod_ddb_p1
IdxLabelUtil::checkMinVGSpace() - Parent = /ddb
IdxLabelUtil::checkMinVGSpace() - Mount Point found[/ddb] for path[/ddb/psql_prod_ddb_p1].
IdxLabelUtil::checkMinVGSpace() - Device found[/dev/mapper/ee29651c-6473-4902-8011-bc00ebe3b612].
CvProcess::system() - dmsetup --noheadings splitname ee29651c-6473-4902-8011-bc00ebe3b612 LVM
Cvcl::init() - CVCL: Running in FIPS Mode
CvProcess::system() - Command completed with rc=0
IdxLabelUtil::checkMinVGSpace() - parsing vg-name and lv-name using [ee29651c:6473:4902]
IdxLabelUtil::checkMinVGSpace() - vg name [ee29651c] lv name [6473]
CvProcess::system() - vgdisplay --units k ee29651c | /bin/grep "Free" | awk '{print $5}'
CvProcess::system() - Command completed with rc=0
IdxLabelUtil::checkMinVGSpace() - command [vgdisplay --units k ee29651c | /bin/grep "Free" | awk '{print $5}'] failed
IdxLabelUtil::ProcessMinVGSpace() - Failed to check free extents for DDB Snap at location[/ddb/psql_prod_ddb_p1], percent[10].
IdxLabelUtil::main() - Exiting process with return code: [587207412].