We have some issues with getting storage space free. When i run Forecast repoort i dont see sometging wrong, mostly jobs are, basic days or last of the week/month under
On the webconsole under Storage - Data Retantion i see 80TB above year.

Really i those data i cannot find under the SP.
Last week under SP> Summory> Storage Policy / Copy Space storage Recovery prediction i sow 16-4 35TB and 30 TB on 17-4. Under are prediction for this week

After aging i sow alot of prunable records in DDB, i run DDB verification and after really didnt sow any space freed on storage. I run Space reclamintation with lvl 1 with Clear orphan data, nothing changes on Storage. I wil uploade dataging log, if need to see sidbprune log i can upload it aswel