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We observe that DDB Lookup raised upto ~70 % and consuming almost 15+Hours for ~6TB Data during incremental backup

Our server plan includes 1 Full back up in every 14 days and incremental every day. We have 79 VMs producing ~85 GB Data per VM on daily run.

Hello @bpanda 

Can you please advise your CV version?

Can you also advise are you seeing the high lookups on all of the backups using this plan or just one client?

If you open the Java console you will be able to navigate to Storage Resources » Dedup engines and have a look at the over all health of the DDB. Please share a screenshot of this and i can provide advise. 

Kind regards

Albert Williams

CV Version : 11.32.49
We are facing high DDB lookup on all backup using this plan.
Please find health report attached.


To add what @bpanda  mentioned, the DDB lookup increased with increasing data that is being generated daily for incremental load.

Hello @bpanda 

I understand that the performance is a concern for you but you have a 3% dedup rate. 

This kind of Dedup rate is not worth the effort or overhead and you should just disable deduplicate if this is an expected number. 


If it is not an expected number you should raise a ticket to support to question as to why you have a 3% dedup rate on your VM jobs. 

It is most likely due to some level or encryption on the primary data would be my guess but support will be able to identify and give you an exact answer. 


Kind regards

Albert Williams

We are ok with Deduplicate rate but having concern about DDB lookup percentage.

you have a  3% dedup rate. How are you ok with that? Just disable Dedup and be done with it. 

Or investigate as to why it is so low as it might point to the root of your issue. 


Kind regards

Albert Williams
