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I’m working on an issue with DDB Verification on a HyperScale X environment.

I talked to someone at Commvault Support who explained that planned DDB verifications were removed from the best practices on HyperScale X because it could impact Space Reclamation Jobs, aswell as impact performance. 

However, our customer needs to be able to produce reports to document and prove compliance in regards to ISO certifications. They were able to import a report on their Private Metrics Reporting server so they can generate reports based on Admin jobs.

However, they are noticing that DDB verifications are taking a very long time and they aren’t actually completing, so all subsequent DDB verification are just queueing up. The DDBs in this environment are very large.

Does anybody have a suggestion how we could solve this issue and actually getting these DDB verification jobs to finish in a timely manner? Would scheduling them more often solve the issue?

Looking forward to your suggestions.


@Jeremy the first DV job will be a full and read EVERYTHING can run Incrementals thereafter which will be MUCH faster, but the first one has to be a Full.

There is an option to run a Quick DV which doesn’t actually read the data, it only ensures the data and database are in synch.

Would that satisfy their requirements?

Hi Mike,

Thanks for the suggestion!

I’m going to check if a Quick DV will be fine for compliance reasons.

I’ll come back to the post when I have more info.

Awesome, hope that meets their needs.  Otherwise, the Full non-quick will take a looooong time.
