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We want to define a different Retention for any kind of Log Backups in a Plan.

On Storage Policy it was possible to define a dedicate Log Storage Policy.

In a Plan I cant see the possibility. We are on 11.32.

Are there any way to this or future plans to integrate this for Plan Settings?

Thx in advance and Best Regards


Hello @Marcel Geisen 

Currently there is no way to achieve this in the command center and you will need to configure it in the java console:


I have asked the question to the product team around this feature and if it is on the road map at all. I will keep you posted, 


Kind regards

Albert Williams

Hello @Marcel Geisen 
I have spoken to the product owners and they advised that this feature is on the roadmap.

They cannot commit to an ETA but it is a feature being worked on.


Kind regards

Albert Williams

Hello @Albert Williams,

thank you very much for the quick response and Feedback regarding roadmap.

Hoping it can be soon be implemented.

Thank you and Best Regards.

