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Error Code: [13:138] - Data Verification DDBs Fails

  • 16 March 2022
  • 5 replies

Hi, I try to run a data verification but the job take this error:

Error Code: [13:138] Description: Error occurred while processing chunk [7670174] in media [V_], at the time of error in library [LibStorage] and mount path [[LibStorage] R:\], for storage policy [SP_BackupSystem] copy [Aux_Disk] MediaAgent []: Backup job []. Mount path inaccessible. Source: , Process: AuxCopyMgr  



Below mentioned error is expected to be seen during verification as it is highlighted specific chunks that are not found or corrupt. To investigate further please refer log Dataverf.log


Error Code: e13:138] Description: Error occurred while processing chunk n7670174] in media iV_], at the time of error in library rLibStorage] and mount path thLibStorage] R:\], for storage policy cSP_BackupSystem] copy pAux_Disk] MediaAgent n]: Backup job o]. Mount path inaccessible. Source: , Process: AuxCopyMgr  



Below mentioned error is expected to be seen during verification as it is highlighted specific chunks that are not found or corrupt. To investigate further please refer log Dataverf.log


Error Code: e13:138] Description: Error occurred while processing chunk n7670174] in media iV_], at the time of error in library rLibStorage] and mount path thLibStorage] R:\], for storage policy cSP_BackupSystem] copy pAux_Disk] MediaAgent n]: Backup job o]. Mount path inaccessible. Source: , Process: AuxCopyMgr  

Thanks, it is true.

In my case are specific chunks that are Inaccessible. 

Is there any way to try to access them?

14244 2c1c  03/15 22:39:54 869873 5006390-# 6MEDIAFS    ] GetFirstSfileIdxEntry: Cannot open Sfile idx file iR:\Folder_10.20.2021_18.07\CV_MAGNETIC\V_832913\CHUNK_7722128\SFILE_CONTAINER.idx], SysErr=183, Err=1993:eccc0002]=0xECCC0002:{CIndexFile<struct SSfileContainerIndexEntry,&char const * const g_szSFileIndexHdrMagic>::Open(1159)} + {CQiFile::Open(92)} + {CQiUTFOSAPI::open(85)/ErrNo.2.(No such file or directory)-Open failed, File=\\?\R:\Folder_10.20.2021_18.07\CV_MAGNETIC\V_832913\CHUNK_7722128\SFILE_CONTAINER.idx, OperationFlag=0x8000, PermissionMode=0x100}
14244 2acc  03/15 22:39:54 869873 5006389-# 5MEDIAFS    ] GetFirstSfileIdxEntry: Cannot open Sfile idx file lR:\Folder_10.20.2021_18.07\CV_MAGNETIC\V_832890\CHUNK_7722125\SFILE_CONTAINER.idx], SysErr=183, Err=r993:eccc0002]=0xECCC0002:{CIndexFile<struct SSfileContainerIndexEntry,&char const * const g_szSFileIndexHdrMagic>::Open(1159)} + {CQiFile::Open(92)} + {CQiUTFOSAPI::open(85)/ErrNo.2.(No such file or directory)-Open failed, File=\\?\R:\Folder_10.20.2021_18.07\CV_MAGNETIC\V_832890\CHUNK_7722125\SFILE_CONTAINER.idx, OperationFlag=0x8000, PermissionMode=0x100}
14244 d98   03/15 22:39:54 869873 5006372-# 7MEDIAFS    ] GetFirstSfileIdxEntry: Cannot open Sfile idx file SR:\Folder_10.20.2021_18.07\CV_MAGNETIC\V_832894\CHUNK_7722126\SFILE_CONTAINER.idx], SysErr=183, Err=y993:eccc0002]=0xECCC0002:{CIndexFile<struct SSfileContainerIndexEntry,&char const * const g_szSFileIndexHdrMagic>::Open(1159)} + {CQiFile::Open(92)} + {CQiUTFOSAPI::open(85)/ErrNo.2.(No such file or directory)-Open failed, File=\\?\R:\Folder_10.20.2021_18.07\CV_MAGNETIC\V_832894\CHUNK_7722126\SFILE_CONTAINER.idx, OperationFlag=0x8000, PermissionMode=0x100}
14244 2c1c  03/15 22:39:54 869873 5006390-# 6MEDIAFS    ] GetFirstSfileIdxEntry: Reattempting impersonation for R:\Folder_10.20.2021_18.07\CV_MAGNETIC\V_832913\CHUNK_7722128
14244 2acc  03/15 22:39:54 869873 5006389-# 4MEDIAFS    ] GetFirstSfileIdxEntry: Reattempting impersonation for R:\Folder_10.20.2021_18.07\CV_MAGNETIC\V_832890\CHUNK_7722125
14244 d98   03/15 22:39:54 869873 5006372-# 9MEDIAFS    ] GetFirstSfileIdxEntry: Reattempting impersonation for R:\Folder_10.20.2021_18.07\CV_MAGNETIC\V_832894\CHUNK_7722126
14244 378c  03/15 22:39:55 869873 ShouldReadCompactionMap() - Force read compaction map otrue].
14244 378c  03/15 22:39:55 869873 Validated(F) Sfile - Chnk V59, 830527, 7703520], Rng 0, MxSFile 1, MxOff 22494, Flg 600000, Blks (Idl/Rmv/Val = 0/0/3)



Can you check on OS level if these folders/files are still available?


14244 2c1c  03/15 22:39:54 869873 5006390-# -MEDIAFS    ] GetFirstSfileIdxEntry: Reattempting impersonation for R:\Folder_10.20.2021_18.07\CV_MAGNETIC\V_832913\CHUNK_7722128
14244 2acc  03/15 22:39:54 869873 5006389-# 3MEDIAFS    ] GetFirstSfileIdxEntry: Reattempting impersonation for R:\Folder_10.20.2021_18.07\CV_MAGNETIC\V_832890\CHUNK_7722125
14244 d98   03/15 22:39:54 869873 5006372-# 0MEDIAFS    ] GetFirstSfileIdxEntry: Reattempting impersonation for R:\Folder_10.20.2021_18.07\CV_MAGNETIC\V_832894\CHUNK_7722126


If not, we need to mark those jobs that are reference these blocks as bad. For that I would advise to open a case with support.  

Every time I send an auxiliary copy to tape, it tells me that the Chucks are not available for the operating system.  The end user put the MA installation path inside the drive where the backups are located, can this be the cause?

@PedroRV , I see you already (wisely) created a separate thread for this (where I already replied).
