@Scott Moseman is there a technical explanation why synthethic full is better for HW which is capable of hosting DDB?
Synth Fulls are good for the reason you mentioned, they don’t impact Client resources. For large data environments, less impact on the Network is also helpful.
I would recommend Synthethic Full for following scenarios
- Auto Synthethic full (automatic synthetic schedule) - Synthetic full would trigger even if they were missed by the Ops team after the next incremental schedule.
- Forever Incremental strategy - Client never run a full backup unless it is the first instance of backup or reconfiguring to new storage or due to sealing the DDB
- Best suited for agent file system backups
Proper Scaling and Capacity planning is needed to ensure the Synthetic run without any issues.
If you’re writing to a dedupe appliance, you probably want regular Fulls.
If you don’t have HW to support a DDB, you probably want regular Fulls.
Hi @Scott Moseman
our media agents are physical ones with SSD disks to support deduplication database/engine.
can you explain a bit more why the regular full would be more beneficial than synth full in this case? Or wouldn’t it?
our media agents are physical ones with SSD disks to support deduplication database/engine.
can you explain a bit more why the regular full would be more beneficial than synth full in this case?
My comment was to use a regular Full if your HW does NOT support a DDB.
If you have SSDs for hosting the DDB, using Synth Fulls is the better choice.
@Scott Moseman is there a technical explanation why synthethic full is better for HW which is capable of hosting DDB?
Is an “Auto Synthethic full” different from a “Synth Full”?
usually I have a schedule policy, and within that a “synth Full” scheduled task to run 1 day ( say Sat), and then a “incremental” scheduled task to run all other days. For these, if the “incremental” on Friday runs an abnormally long time, the “synth Full” is skipped, and not picked up on the next run. It sounds like an “Auto Synthethic full (automatic synthetic schedule)” does not have this issue?