Hello. We're interested in creating a new MediaAgent (I'll call it MediaAgent03 or MA03 from now on) in Amazon Web Services, using commvault's "combined storage tier" functionality with S3 Glacier Deep Archive being the coldest (and cheapest) possible data option.
This mediaagent would only be used for Data Restores in the event of a catastrophic event in our datacenter where MediaAgent01, our primary onsite MA, is stored. Otherwise, it will sit there quietly in the AWS cloud as our insurance policy.
I was looking at Amazon's pricing page here - https://aws.amazon.com/s3/pricing/ under Requests & Data Retrievals Tab - and was wondering if commvault can please explain or provide documentation as to how to calculate 'retrieval request' operations. I of course understand 'data retrievals per GB' cost because I know in a DR situation I'd be restoring basically everything, 100% from MA03 - about 200TB of data at the moment.
However, what I don't understand is how commvault software interacts with the S3 API and how many operations, billed at $.025 per 1,000 operations, commvault restores take. Is a single file being restored an operation? Is a media path mount an operation? Please help me to understand how I can figure this out so I can report likely operation expenses to my boss. Thanks!