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Because of a bug, my cloud storage hit 100% full and not all year-end backups were replicated to the cloud.  I’ve worked with CommVault support and now have 50% free space.  Even though the Aux Copy job has run several times, there are still year-end backups that haven’t replicated to cloud storage.  

How do I get CommVault to copy the missing backups?


If you view the job history of the destination copy you are trying to run, are the jobs in question showing as to be copied? If not, you can right click and mark them as to be copied on the destination copy so they will be picked up in the next run of the aux copy.

Or if you just need to run the aux copy, right click on the SP choose to run Aux and select the destination copy. Alternatively, right click on the commserve, view schedules and manually launch the aux from there as the options you use will be included already.

When I go to the last full backup of the year for one of my production servers and right-click > view media, I see it is not replicated to the cloud storage.  But when I go to Storage Policies > <policy_name> > right-click > View > Media Not Copied, I get zero backups needing to be copied even though I know that’s wrong.

@Aplynx  When I go to Storage Policies > <policy_name> > CV_Cloud copy > right-click > view jobs > not all the year end backups are listed.  If I select View > Media not copied, CommVault doesn’t show any backups.  

The media agent at my DR site is getting an OS upgrade right now so when I right-click on the storage policy > All Tasks > Run Aux Copy > OK, I get “Storage Policy copy is not active”.  Not exactly the message I was expecting.

Sigh.  Ticket 220119-736 opened to get some help with this.  

@Ken_H , did anyone change the Copy Date on the Aux Copy?

Seeing that you just had a space issue, I worry that the jobs from last year are all gone.  If the Aux Copy here is a Selective Copy, set to copy the last backups of the year, and no more jobs from 2021 are on the source copy, then the Aux Copy will think there is nothing to grab.

Let’s see what Alexis turns up (she has your case and she is super sharp).

The month end full backups have a 1 year retention on primary storage and 3 years on cloud storage so the backups still exist.  I just need to figure out how to get CommVault to run the copies from Primary to Cloud.


At worst, you can manually select the backups, though definitely worth figuring out why it’s not happening on it’s own.

I found that page previously.  My problem is that the directions in step 2d:


Do not match what I see in the Advanced Filter Option window:


Hi @Ken_H , I think you only clicked on the Storage Policy, while you should try to do the same on the Storage Policy copy. Expand your Storage Policy until you get the different copies listed, and then select the copy you wish to get your data copied to that did not perform. Right-click on your Cloud copy, you should get the proper dialogs then :


This would bring you there : 


Thank you @Laurent,  I’ve found 18 jobs not replicated to my cloud storage, marked them as as “to be copied”, and the aux copy job is now running.  The Aux copy is showing 10 days, 15 hours remaining but I expect it will be done later today.  Ken

You’re welcome Ken !  Glad it’s solved.

And yes the estimated duration can vary, but as long as it’s running it should be copied ontop of your other copies.