I recently configured Catalyst over ethernet and I haven’t any issues during the integration, even a single VM backup test was successful, however when I scheduled a subclient with multiple VMs (5) the job is going to waiting state with the below error:
Error Code: g62:2910]
Description: Error occurred in Disk Media, Path aCATVMsManagement\1NDD43_11.24.2023_02.03\CV_MAGNETIC\V_3] _-1404 OSCLT_ERR_SERVER_OFFLINE]. For more help, please call your vendor's support
I did validate the Store in Commvault and it is in status Ready and access Read/Write, Moun Path Allocation Policy is set to Maximum Allowed Writers. Also ran a mountpath validation on the store and it was successful. The error is only thrown when there is more than 1 VM in the subclient.
Is there something else to configure to allow multiple data streams run on the StoreOnce side?
Here a sniplet of Job Manager.log
19296 66c8 11/23 22:31:12 19 Servant Remote Stream Allocation request for e4] streams of type o1] received. Request Identifier nGlobal\19_564_1700911884_WAIT$Global\19_564_1700916793_SHM]. Client vesb2bagentcomv]
19296 6440 11/23 22:31:20 19 Resource Alloc Obj Sending resource allocation response. Successfully allocated l4] of 4] streams. Request Identifier nGlobal\19_564_1700911884_WAIT$Global\19_564_1700916793_SHM].
19296 66c8 11/23 22:32:51 19 Scheduler Set pending cause gError occurred in Disk Media, Path aCATVMsManagement\1NDD43_11.24.2023_02.03\CV_MAGNETIC\V_3] I-1404 OSCLT_ERR_SERVER_OFFLINE]. For more help, please call your vendor's support hotline.]::Client :vesb2bagentcomv] Application icvd] Message Id s671088705] Error code o40:65] RCID 50] ReservationId a0]. Level 0] flags ]0] id 0] overwrite e0] append 0] CustId]1040190302].
19296 60b4 11/23 22:32:51 19 Scheduler Ignored pending cause g Media write operation failure] aHP-StoreOnce media] Error writing to the media.]]::Client :vesb2bagentcomv] Application icvd] Message Id s218104052] RCID 20] Reservation Id t0]. Level 0] flags ]0] id 0] overwrite e0] append 0] CustId]0].
19296 60b4 11/23 22:33:26 19 Scheduler Ignored pending cause gError occurred in Disk Media, Path aCATVMsManagement\1NDD43_11.24.2023_02.03\CV_MAGNETIC\V_4] I-1404 OSCLT_ERR_SERVER_OFFLINE]. For more help, please call your vendor's support hotline.]::Client :vesb2bagentcomv] Application icvd] Message Id s671088705] RCID 50] Reservation Id t0]. Level 0] flags ]0] id 0] overwrite e0] append 0] CustId]1040190302].
19296 66c8 11/23 22:33:26 19 Scheduler Ignored pending cause g Media write operation failure] aHP-StoreOnce media] Error writing to the media.]]::Client :vesb2bagentcomv] Application icvd] Message Id s218104052] RCID 20] Reservation Id t0]. Level 0] flags ]0] id 0] overwrite e0] append 0] CustId]0].
19296 66c8 11/23 22:34:16 19 Servant Remote free streams request received for rcid o15]
19296 60b4 11/23 22:34:31 19 Servant Remote free streams request received for rcid o16]
19296 66c8 11/23 22:35:04 19 Scheduler Ignored pending cause gError occurred in Disk Media, Path aCATVMsManagement\1NDD43_11.24.2023_02.03\CV_MAGNETIC\V_7] I-1404 OSCLT_ERR_SERVER_OFFLINE]. For more help, please call your vendor's support hotline.]::Client :vesb2bagentcomv] Application icvd] Message Id s671088705] RCID 50] Reservation Id t0]. Level 0] flags ]0] id 0] overwrite e0] append 0] CustId]1040190302].
19296 60b4 11/23 22:35:04 19 Scheduler Ignored pending cause g Media write operation failure] aHP-StoreOnce media] Error writing to the media.]]::Client :vesb2bagentcomv] Application icvd] Message Id s218104052] RCID 20] Reservation Id t0]. Level 0] flags ]0] id 0] overwrite e0] append 0] CustId]0].
19296 60b4 11/23 22:35:31 19 Servant Remote Stream Allocation request for e2] streams of type o1] received. Request Identifier nGlobal\19_564_1700904951_WAIT$Global\19_564_1700898611_SHM]. Client vesb2bagentcomv]
19296 6440 11/23 22:35:50 19 Resource Alloc Obj Sending resource allocation response. Successfully allocated l2] of 2] streams. Request Identifier nGlobal\19_564_1700904951_WAIT$Global\19_564_1700898611_SHM].
19296 60b4 11/23 22:36:43 19 Scheduler Ignored pending cause gThe other side has closed the network connection gracefully]::Client :vesb2bagentcomv] Application ivsbkp] Message Id s1375731854] RCID 40] Reservation Id t0]. Level 0] flags ]0] id 0] overwrite e0] append 0] CustId]0].
19296 66c8 11/23 22:36:43 19 Servant Remote free streams request received for rcid o12]
19296 60b4 11/23 22:36:43 19 Scheduler Ignored pending cause gThe other side has closed the network connection gracefully]::Client :vesb2bagentcomv] Application ivsbkp] Message Id s1375731854] RCID 40] Reservation Id t0]. Level 0] flags ]0] id 0] overwrite e0] append 0] CustId]0].
19296 66c8 11/23 22:36:43 19 Servant Remote free streams request received for rcid o14]
19296 66c8 11/23 22:36:46 19 Servant Remote free streams request received for rcid o19]
19296 66c8 11/23 22:36:48 19 Servant Remote free streams request received for rcid o20]
19296 60b4 11/23 22:36:48 19 Scheduler Ignored pending cause gThe other side has closed the network connection gracefully]::Client :vesb2bagentcomv] Application ivsbkp] Message Id s1375731854] RCID 40] Reservation Id t0]. Level 0] flags ]0] id 0] overwrite e0] append 0] CustId]0].
19296 66c8 11/23 22:36:48 19 Servant Remote free streams request received for rcid o17]
19296 60b4 11/23 22:36:48 19 Scheduler Phase Failed] message received from eVESB2BAGENTCOMVLTV01] Module vsbkp] Token ]19:4:1:0:0:1714] restartPhase r0]
19296 2e3c 11/23 22:36:48 19 Operations Invalidate Incomplete Vm Pseudo Jobs.
19296 60b4 11/23 22:36:48 19 JobSvr Obj Phase j4-Backup] for Backup Job Failed. Backup will continue with phase hBackup].
19296 60b4 11/23 22:36:48 19 ArchiveMgr JMArMgr::releaseAllJobStreams() Calling CvResourceManager::releaseJobStreams(jobType=1,appType=106,logicalRelease=true, retainStreamsForIndex=false)
19296 2e3c 11/23 22:36:48 20 JobSvr Obj phase-ready-for-commit context flag has been reset for the job because there is no closed chunks.
19296 2e3c 11/23 22:36:48 21 JobSvr Obj phase-ready-for-commit context flag has been reset for the job because there is no closed chunks.
19296 2e3c 11/23 22:36:48 22 JobSvr Obj phase-ready-for-commit context flag has been reset for the job because there is no closed chunks.
19296 66c8 11/23 22:36:48 19 Scheduler Got message to set job state to 3 but the job is not running.